Friday, December 26, 2008

I'll take some credit, thanks

On November 18, 2008, the Woodstock City Council voted to raise the speed limit on Ware Road to 40MPH and directed the Public Works Department to post speed limit signs.

It's about time.

After watching drivers speed along Ware Road, in May 2007 I contacted Public Works to ask what the speed limit really was. The road was basically wide open and could have been construed by some to be "open or rural" roadway with a 55MPH speed limit. The reply from Public Works was that the speed limit was 30MPH.

I wrote back and asked for installation of speed limit signs, but I never received a reply and no signs were installed.

See below for my July 24, 2007, article on this site. You can find it easily by searching on this site for "Ware Road".

On November 2, 2008, a survey on this site revealed that a fair number of drivers thought the speed limit was 40MPH or even 45MPH. You can also find the survey in the same search.

And then on November 18, 2008, the City Council acted to raise the speed limit to 40MPH AND to post signs. It would be interesting to know how many speeding tickets, if any, were written on Ware Road over the past few years, when there were no speed limit signs to warn drivers of the unreasonably low 30MPH speed limit (state law).


Anonymous said...

What makes you think they did this because of you? There are more people in this town than just you. They never responded to you before so how could this be done months later for your complaining. I think someone with legitimate complaints told them about this. You are not the center of the universe.

Kyle S. said...

BACK OFF ACE ... Gus is our HERO. What good can you lay claim too ? Probably just a bunch of bitching and belly aching is all most likely.

Get involved or shut up. But don't bash and bad mouth anyone else that does.

Have a nice day...

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Comin at me with the caps. How hurtful. Most of the bitching comes from this site and some from you.

So YOU have a nice day....

Kyle S. said...

Yep... Then Gus takes it to whomever he can. He does claim to be OUR advocate.

Anonymous said...

Maybe YOUR advocate, not anyone elses. He just calls himself that.

And by the way, I dont take any of your remarks seriously, so stop trying to insult me.

Kyle S. said...

I'm not insulting you Ace. In fact I give you credit for seeing through my sarcasm.

Fact is, I work all day; As I assume you do too. I can only hope I have as much time on my hands as Gus does when I retire(or what ever Gus is). I for one am very happy to have Gus out taking photos and griping about silly things. Sometimes he hits on some very good issues and addresses them on "our" behalf. We don't have to agree with his reasoning. But if one person(or family) can be spared some heartache because Gus complained about a pile of snow; Then God bless him.

Gus said...

Kyle, many thanks for your kind words and support. No, I'm not retired. If I catch a winning lottery ticket or hit the big one at a casino (guess I'd have to go to a casino to do that), then I'll retire. Or maybe not. Let's just say I don't need much sleep and I don't watch any TV. Thanks again.

Laura said...

being a longtime resident of country club road, i can tell you this; speed limit signs mean nothing to the harried drivers of our lovely mchenry county. the stretch in front of my house is clearly posted at 30 MPH. i can assure you 9 out of 10 drivers prefer to go 50 MPH.

Gus said...

Laura, you are definitely right about speeds on Country Club Road in Woodstock. The 30MPH signs mean nothing to most drivers.

Back in January I posted this article and photo:

I wonder if Woodstock officers ever run radar in front of your place. Sure wish they would.

Laura said...

i have a double driveway... any of mchenry county, woodstock OR bull valley's finest are welcome to sit with their radar on my driveway, anytime.

Gus said...

Laura, very generous of you to offer your driveway. Why not call the jurisdiction in which you live and make it directly, if you haven't already done so?

If you are in Woodstock, you can contact your Permanent Beat Officers and their sergeant by addressing email to (unless you are in Beat 24). Country Club Road is the dividing line, and I don't know which Beat gets calls on your road.