Do you know an elderly person who is trying to live on his/her own? Do you know a family in which children of that person are battling over control of a parent's healthcare and/or assets? Are you a person who might find yourself needing a guardianship in the future? Or unwillingly ruled a Ward by some court?
Recently I learned of Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianships, whose website is
Now is the time to become familiar with some of the horror stories regarding guardianships and to begin steps to avoid them from affecting you in the future.
Too often I have told people that they might need a lawyer to protect them from their lawyer. I myself have been adversely affected by poor (even criminal) legal advice, but not so far as any guardianship. But I have a friend of 25 years whose life was turned upside-down by guardianship actions, brought on by her own sister, that affected their elderly mother and may have directly resulted in the mother's death. She is now suing the State of Wisconsin, a nursing home and a major national charity. And she is having to do it pro se.
Another friend, this one in a Chicago suburb, has watched her brothers and a friend of one of the brothers take control of their 95-year-old father. She became subject to an Emergency Order of Protection that forbids her to contact her father in any way. I encouraged her to get legal representation without delay and to discuss an immediate Motion to gain at least email communication with her dad. A judge granted that Motion, and then one brother had her charged with violating the Order. This resulted in her arrest and jailing! (And a second fee for legal services.)
She wasn't going to watch BROKEN but did, after I told her that her father is one court date away from a guardianship.
Watch this powerful video, titled BROKEN, about the abuse that occurs when people and authorities collude to take over an elderly person's life and assets:
Two videos will open your eyes. One is this trailer:
Consider pre-ordering the documentary titled "The Guardians" at $12.99 in the next ten days through Could be the best $12.99 you'll spend in 2018.
The producer/director writes that the film won eight major awards, played at 21 festivals worldwide, and is being aired in nine countries. But NOT in the United States. No network in the USA was willing to show it. Why not? My guess is the legal industry is too powerful.
How often have I told people, "You need a lawyer to protect you from your lawyer"? That was certainly true in McHenry County. Watch this videos and the documentary.
And take a hard look at donating to and supporting the AAAPG.
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