Pres. Obama signed an Executive Order granting pay raises to members of Congress and to Joe Biden, his go-fer. Maybe that's to toughen up Joe for his upcoming battle on gun control.
Somebody needs to destroy all those pens that Obama has for signing Executive Orders. A reader wrote recently that Congress has to approve raises; apparently not.
Is anyone else outraged at the procrastination by Congress to resolve the "financial cliff" mess? Here it is December 31 and there is no deal. Well, wasn't the deal made back when the cliff was first cut?
It's kind of like buying a house, getting a low mortgage payment, and knowing that there will be a balloon payment in five or ten years. Duhhhh.... how can you complain, when that balloon payment comes due? You liked the low payment, right?
Or buying term insurance, because you think Whole Life insurance is a rip-off and that you can "save" money better than by giving it to an insurance company. And then you have the unfortunate bad luck to outlive your term insurance policy. Guess what? If you don't die before the term insurance policy expires, then you WILL die after it expires. And then you will wish you had purchased Whole Life insurance.
You know ... insurance for the "whole" of your life???
If Obama wants to sign an Executive Order that I'll like, he'll sign one today stopping pay to Congress and himself for not solving the financial-cliff so-called crisis. And cutting off his taxpayer-funded vacations, like the $4,000,000 trip to Hawaii for a few days. Just give him a Netflix subscription and order some popcorn.
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
10 hours ago
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