The McHenry County Sheriff's Department needs an IAD. No, not an IUD. Not an IED (although maybe that's needed to shake loose some of the ideas and dust there). Not an AED.
It needs an Internal Affairs Division. An IAD would be a small select group of hard-nosed, honest deputies who would investigate wrong-doing by employees (deputies and corrections officers) of the McHenry County Sheriff's Department.
If there were such a division, they would have been plenty busy over the past few years.
What types of crimes and wrong-doing might they have investigated?
The Undersheriff for informing Brian Goode of a DEA investigation of a truckload of drugs headed for RITA Corporation.
The Sheriff for taking his Tahoe to his Wisconsin home in Minocqua, 300 miles away from McHenry County (violation of McHenry County Vehicle Policy).
Deputies taking Department vehicles on family vacations to Missouri in November 2011, with family members as passengers.
Senior command who decide to release an arrested person, before the arresting deputy can ever get the subject to the Jail, and whether political connections were a factor in the release. How do you “un-arrest” a person who has been handcuffed and transported to the Sheriff's Department?
Sgt. Greg Pyle and his control over the evidence room (no internal investigation of the status of that secure room has ever been mentioned).
Det. Jason Novak for an alleged sexual relationship with a confidential informant in a drug case.
Whether a courthouse security officer illegally exercised arrest authority to “capture” a person.
Drunken driving by off-duty deputies.
Non-arrest of a deputies or corrections officers stopped by police officers for DUI.
Corrections officers engaged in improper relationships with inmates.
Free meals and beverages accepted by on-duty deputies.
There are more...
LaHood Criticizes Blagojevich Pardon
2 hours ago
It would probably be as effective as the merit commission you talk about............
Good thinking Gus,
An IAD made up of deputies paid by the guy you hate, Sure, that will work or at the very least just give you something else to complain about.
It doesn't matter what I think of Sheriff Nygren. As a matter of fact, if he hadn't pulled that dumb stunt in the Jewel-Osco parking lot, I might have moved along to other issues. But that's when it got personal.
If honest, ethical deputies were appointed to an IAD, they would take problems to the Sheriff that he couldn't avoid. He would not be able to sweep them under the table.
And the morale at MCSD would go way up. Perhaps it could even be restored to a place where deputies liked to work and were proud to say to so.
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