Little ol' Conroe, Texas, is blowing $170,000 in asset forfeiture funds on a Ford. Well, not just any Ford.
How about a Ford 550 sound to you? I didn't even know there was a 550.
Conroe Police Chief Philip Dupuis said, “If we know people inside have weapons, as we make approach to the house, we will be in an armored vehicle.”
So I guess, if the Conroe cops were coming to my place, they'd call out the Big F and roll up to my door. I think about everybody has guns in Texas. Does this mean they'll roll the Big F on every call or that they'll be stocking up on these Fords and getting rid of the Ford squads they currently drive?
Chief Dupuis also said, “If a member of the public is injured and laying in the open and the suspect is still armed, we have no way of rescuing victims (without the vehicle).” He can't find a solution for less than $170,000?
When is the last time Conroe PD needed to recover an injured citizen "laying in the open"? Ever?
And where is Conroe, anyway? It's a city of about 50,000 (about 25% larger than Crystal Lake), on I-45 about 40 miles north of Houston.
Source: “If we have a Benghazi”: Texas Cops Cite Libyan Tragedy in Purchase of Armored SWAT Vehicle.
Thanks to the reader who sent this to me.
LaHood Criticizes Blagojevich Pardon
1 hour ago
I remember in the early eighties, Officer Richard Clark of the Chicago Police Dpartment lie dying in the middle the street after being shot in a landlord-tenant dispute. Officer George Corso, despite being warned not too by superior officers, commandeered a squadrol, backed it up into the street in a manner that would not allow the landlord who was by now also a sniper, to shoot any more Officers, and recovered Officer Clark's body. Officer Clark was dead by then, something no one knew at the time. Officer Corso would not have been in as much danger that day had he had one of he vehicles you speak of.
While I don't think every small department really needs one of these, perhaps one in say each county might be a good idea, available to each department on an as needed basis.
If it saves one life, ever.. than it's worth the cost.
Not sure what the current numbers are, but used to be more officers killed and shot in rural areas than large cities.
I would have to disagree. I doubt that there are more Officers killed in rural areas than big cities. Per capita maybe but actual numbers would lead toward more in the big ciy. Hell, Chicago averages about thre OIS's per week. And that's on a slow week.
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