Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coffee with the Chief - topic: active shooter

Do you want to know how the Woodstock Police Department would have an "active shooter" report? If there were a shooter at a Woodstock school or church or up in the belfry at the Opera House, how would the Woodstock Police handle it?

That's the topic this month for Monday's Coffee with the Chief, to be held January 14, 7:00PM, at the Woodstock Police Department.

This is your chance to ask questions. Hopefully, not too much meeting time will be taken up with the video from the Houston Police Department. Anybody can watch that at home. In fact, you can watch it right here.

Write down your questions. Bring your suggestions. You might want to ask about the City's NIXLE-type alert system and if and when it is used, and how widespread it is. Has it ever been used? Ask how you can sign up for it.

1 comment:

Gus said...

For information about the Coffee with the Chief program, go to the City of Woodstock website. Click on the link for the meeting that is in the Community Calendar on the homepage.

The link from the icon in the lower-right of the webpage is not connecting correctly at the current time. Please be patient while the "404 Error" is resolved.