Monday, September 15, 2008

Watch These Tax Notices

Watch for the heavy black-line-bordered Notices appearing in the Northwest Herald and other papers. Hang onto your wallets. Do you think these Notices are good news? NOT.

The little kingdom of the McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD) has filed its legal notice that it will increase the amount of extended or abated corporate and special purpose property taxes and that it will increase the amount of property taxes for debt service and public building commission leases.

What in the world does this mean? Does it take a Philadelphia lawyer to understand and explain these increases and the impact they have on your property taxes? No doubt that these Notices follow required statutory language. Guess who figured that out. The Philadelphia lawyers who own the cash registers!

You can't watch every line on your tax bill. You can't fight every increase. But can you even figure out what is happening? When a corporate or special purpose property tax is extended or abated, what does this really mean? Fly now, pay later? Could it be the case that you and I pay now; they pay later.

Do I think that the people running the many taxing bodies in McHenry County don't know that the People can't get a handle on what's really happening?

Who really knows how much land MCCD owns and why they own it? (Besides MCCD, I mean)

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