Republican candidate for McHenry County Sheriff Zane Seipler filed a Petition and Affidavit in Circuit Court (Case 10 MR 11) this morning, asking for the court to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate illegal politicking that involves use of the badge of office on political campaign literature involving the office of McHenry County Sheriff.
The badge or emblem, or its likeness, appears in the political campaign literature of the incumbent sheriff. It has not only been used this year and also in past elections.
I myself raised an objection four years ago, after I received mailed campaign literature from Nygren's campaign. Because I was regularly receiving official mail regarding court appearances as a witness to traffic violations, I thought the envelope bearing the sheriff's name and badge was official mail. I was incensed to find campaign literature in it. My complaint at that time went absolutely nowhere.
Now someone else is raising the issue. In some respects, it's unfortunate that it has to be a challenger for the office who has to raise it. Some will probably pretty quickly label Zane's filing as "mudslinging." It's not. Just as his questioning of improper activities by certain deputies was mislabeled as personal complaining was not mudslinging, either.
In Zane's filing today for a Special Prosecutor, he identifies several questionable activities by Sheriff Nygren:
- performed political activity within his office;
- that he directed deputies to perform political activities while being paid by McHenry County; i.e., while on duty;
- uses official departmental letterhead and star logo on his campaign letters, flyers and political paraphernalia;
- used his county office for a photo shoot setting for political support of a previous candidate for State's Attorney;
Other activities are listed to support Zane's request for a Special Prosecutor:
- while on duty at the department's firing range, he was approached by a sheriff's detective and encouraged to attend a fundraiser for Dan Regna and told "It would be good for your career";
- deputy and security guard Michael Cooper was in possession of documents stolen from the McHenry County State's Attorney (a statement to the Illinois State Police by Amy Dalby asserted that the flash drive was given to Cooper);
- Regna campaign literature was displayed in the patrol room in 2008;
- a Woodstock resident was harassed and humiliated, when campaign business cards for Zane were seized unjustly as he entered the courthouse on official business.
A court date has been set for May 19, 2010, 9:00AM, in Courtroom 204. Efforts will be made to advance the scheduling conference to an earlier date.
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Well Gus, I thought Arkansas politics were interesting, but this GOP primary for McHenry County Sheriff is somewhat tantalizing.
It's almost a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of election.
On one hand, is the incumbent. It's quite amazing to look at campaign finance reports and see this guy does not spend a lot of time "sheriffin'". Granted, a good manager is one who knows how to delegate, but sheesh, Sheriff? Can ya' spend a little time here?
I'm sure young Zane is a fine man, but talk about shooting your campaign in the foot. Whoever told him that his latest folly would help his campaign, should be kicked in the nuts. NEVER, EVER file litigation in the middle of a campaign. You'll gain the reputation of a whiner and who's casting their vote for a whiner?
Last, but not least, the Northwest Herald.
Their endorsement of Shuriff Nygren was less than endearing. Hell, they should have called it "Why We Won't Vote For Zane". To spend 12 lines whuppin' the hiney of the opponent and only five praising the incumbent, is a first for me. Zane, you need to thank the boneheads at the NWH for giving you that much free publicity.
In closing, I'm going to early vote. I think. It's like drinking rotten orange juice. You just hold your nose and do it.
By the way, my friend, how's it going?
"Philip", just waiting out the Republican primary. Putting together solid plans for a campaign to win.
Early on, someone said, "You know you're not going to win, don't you?"
I answered, "I'm not?"
I'm in it for the duration. A few votes for me on Feb. 2 mean nothing. The votes on November 2 are the ones that will count.
Thanks for asking!
If Nygren wins on 2/2, be ready for the same old crap as usual. It will not be an exciting race. But, in a positive light, you'll probably get a nice long "non-endorsement" from the NWH.
If young Zane scores a "W" on 2/2, this will be a good race. Watching three political newbies duke it out will be refreshing. What a great opportunity for McHenry County voters! The debate(s) will prove to be very interesting.
Hell, debating Nygren would be like having a debate with a wall. But, he also may have his appearance fed in by satellite from Fart Meyers or Minocqua.
Don't give up Gus. Stay in it for the long haul.
I haven't sought any endorsements yet. Mistake? Will all the "good" ones be taken? Will any of those who have given endorsements change their minds?
The endorsements that really count are the voters on November 2. Those are the endorsements I'll be going after.
Oh, and my cell phone? You will not catch me calling in from Wisconsin or from Florida. And you definitely won't catch me calling from Argentina!
Have you ever heard the song "You Don't Mess Around With Jim" by Jim Croce? This Sheriff's race reminds me of that. You have Nygren (Big Jim Walker) who has established himself as the tough guy around the county. Big man, drives a fancy car and everyone is scared of him. Nyren (Jim) screws over a young guy named Zane (in the song Zane would be "Billy McCoy", "but down home they call him Slim")In the song "Slim" didn't know he was supposed to be afraid of "Jim". Same situation here. Zane has no fear when it comes to Nygren. "...and when the cuttin' was done the only part that wasn't bloody was the soles of the big man's feet." The song ends with the chorus changing to "You don't mess around with Slim". With everythng I have read and heard, when the cuttin (elections, lawsuits and investigations) is done we are all going to be singing "You don't mess around with Zane!".
The people have waited a long time for a fight like this. Politics in this county will never be the same.
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