The McHenry County Right-to-Carry Association kicked off its formation tonight with a large meeting in Lakemoor at Lakemoor Banquets. The parking lot was crammed with cars and trucks, and an estimated 500 were gathered to hear Lou Rofrano introduce the organization.
Lou started off with the Pledge of Allegiance and recognition of veterans, past and present. He gave his story about the reasons for forming the group, and he stressed the importance of the individual efforts to change the culture that exists here in Illinois. Lou mentioned other important groups in the right-to-carry movement: the NRA, the Illinois State Rifle Association,, and the McHenry County Sportsman's Club.
Lou introduced Sheriff Nygren, who told the group about a resolution passed by the Illinois Sheriff's Association that supports right-to-carry. In a separate article I will address that resolution, how it passed, and the Conditions that the Sheriffs' Association believes are important.
Lee Lexow, of the McHenry County Sportsman's Club (Richmond, Ill.), reported that Wisconsin allows "open carry" of loaded handguns but prohibits concealed carry. Before strapping on the Buntline Special when you get to Lake Geneva, be sure to find out what the exact law is and whether non-residents are entitled to carry in the open. Lee was at Fort Hood, Texas, in 1991 and had friends in the Luby's Restaurant for a chamber of commerce meeting, when a gunman drove a pick-up truck through a window into a restaurant and executed more than 20 diners in the restaurant.
A woman, whose name I did not clearly understand, gave a good presentation about concealed carry and stressed the importance of being empowered, smart and in control with regard to self-defense.
Valinda Rowe, of, is an avid proponent of concealed carry. She mentioned the Illinois State Police website and its encouragement for women to carry car keys and hair combs for self-defense. She said that website also encourages women to be "imaginative" and that she imagines a 9mm or a .45 for self-defense. She added that "the purpose of right-to-carry is to stay alive until the police arrive."
Mike Weisman, 1st VP of the Illinois State Rifle Assn., said the ISRA is in it 107th year. He mentioned that oral arguments in the Chicago gun case will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on March 2, 2010.
Nick Provenzano, candidate for County Board District 3, recommends right-to-carry right here and right now!
Joe Walsh, Republican candidate for Congress 8th District (Melissa Bean's seat) said, "The most important Amendment in the Constitution is the Second Amendment. It's the one that protects all the others."
To join the McHenry County Right to Carry Association, send $20 to them at P.O. Box 24, Spring Grove, IL 60081.
Email questions, concerns or comments to
Watch for its website coming soon at
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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Julie Scheibe, President of MISS, was the speaker who's name was not understood. Thanks to all who showed and those from the media who covered the event.
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We the people of Illinois, demand the same rights as all other states. I'll see you at IGOLD!
Lee H. Lexow
Lee, many thanks for identifying Julie. She made a great and impassioned plea for R-T-C and gave good, personal examples supporting her position.
See you at IGOLD on March 10!
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