You know that nice LARGE sign for Zane Seipler's campaign that is on the corner of Route 31 and Route 176, "that crazy intersection" in Crystal Lake (only it's not "in" Crystal Lake)?
The big one? The big one with the lights so that it can be seen at night? (Click on the image to enlarge it; then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here.)
If you drove by last night, you might have noticed that it was dark. Did you wonder why?
Here's why. Someone stole the lights on the sign, cut the wires and began unscrewing the bolts.
Would you say the opposition is a little worried? Maybe a LOT worried? What kind of screwball, dirty tactic is that?
I was reminded this week of a sheriff's race in St. Mary's County, Maryland a few years ago. The local media (www.stmarystoday.com/) was to publish a print edition on election morning that was going to rip the sheriff who was running for re-election. As the news trucks drove around and dropped off the papers, when they turned the corner and drove out of sight, deputies pulled up at the newsboxes and removed all the papers.
The neat thing is that they got caught at it. The publisher sued and, although it took a while for his case to wind its way through court, he won $425,000!!! Look what happens when you interfere with freedom of the press.
Somebody knows who vandalized the sign. People talk. Zane's campaign may not find out today or tomorrow, but they will find out.
Oh, by the way. I confess.
I didn't do it.
Gus, In case you have not noticed, Zane has been in the dark for some time
Desperate acts by desperate people. Why would anyone vote for a guy whose campaign resorts to this level? This act of vandalism is criminal. Isn't the Sheriff suppose to uphold and protect the law. Not break it if it benefits you. Its not the first time. Remember what happened to the last guy who ran against Nygren.
Ha-ha, Joe. - Not!
Wait until the video comes out!
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