Where would local mayors and police chiefs and the McHenry County Sheriff stand on a pledge like this one?
"Will you pledge that you will never forcibly confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens?"
Several years ago this pledge was circulating throughout the United States, and I thought about presenting it to the City of Woodstock. And finding others in McHenry County communities to present it to their governments.
There could have been several answers. Yes, no, maybe, and it depends. Actually, there are only two answers. Yes or No.
What would a "Yes" mean?
It would mean that we wouldn't encounter a situation like the law-abiding residents in New Orleans did, when the Mayor C. Ray Nagin ordered New Orleans police to confiscate weapons. Weapons, should I add, that residents needed to protect themselves from those who might harm them in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Many firearms were taken without issuance of receipts. Firearms were not cared for. Many (most?) have not been returned. It's pretty hard to claim your firearm, when you don't have a receipt!
Not much press in McHenry County was given to the plight of law-abiding gun owners in New Orleans. Could it happen it here?
What would a "No" to the pledge mean?
It would mean you'd better get out there and buy more guns and ammunition now. And put extra locks on your front and back doors.
Could gun confiscation occur in the United States? In Illinois? In McHenry County? In Woodstock?
If I'm elected Sheriff on November 2, 2010, I shall sign this pledge, on behalf of the Office of Sheriff, on the first day in office, December 1, 2010. It's already on my calendar.
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How about a broader promise that a lot of our elected and appointed officials seem to ignore; would you uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America so help you God? A lot of officials go with the poles and whatever the local media seems to push as in vogue. As the late Charlton Heston said: "from my cold dead hands." Firearms,are the last line in the sand from a government that somehow over time becomes tyranical and no longer is a government of, for and by the people. Think it can't happen...our Founding Fathers didn't think it couldn't thats why we have the second ammendment. To protect ourselves from our own if a govenment becomes self perpetuating and rouge.
Dr. Gorski for UA president!
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