This week's The Woodstock Independent carries a box ad in the Help Wanted section.
Now we all know that The Woodstock Independent is a weekly newspaper in Woodstock.
The ad reads, "Masterson Personnel in partnership with Brown Printing Company has immediate openings for general labor positions in Woodstock, Il. (sic) Please apply in person at 1833 Larkin Ave., Elgin ..."
So here's the question. Why are jobs at a business located in Woodstock advertised in Woodstock, but the temp agency requires interested persons (from Woodstock) to travel to Elgin (23 miles each way) to apply in person?
Have people stopped thinking these days?
Applications could be collected by email, mail and fax, and then one person from Masterson could come out to Brown Printing to interview 25-30 people and hire the few needed. That person could conduct a cattle call (errr, group interview), sort out the few workers of interest, excuse the rest, and more thoroughly interview the most likely hires. All in one day.
LaHood Criticizes Blagojevich Pardon
3 hours ago
That's not uncommon as companies outsource their HR functions. My company does it, and others I know as well. Given the (poor) state of the commercial printing industry in Illinois, I suspect there will be qualified and unemployed candidates from all around the Chicago suburbs.
MBlue, I understand about outsourcing HR. And, certainly, Brown can pick any company it wants. Maybe Masterson was the low-bidder. Assuming that there might be a few qualified applicants in and near Woodstock, isn't it insane to require them to truck over to Elgin to drop off applications?
It looks like masterson is a MN based company (where Brown is headquartered). They probably serve all of Browns divisions around the US. In this job market, the burden is on the employee to get to where the interviews are, the employer has no incentive or need to make facilities available that are convienent for the job seeker. While I don't recall the interior of the Brown plant in Woodstock, they may not even have facilities for interviewing, and for security reasons, may not want applicants in the plant. Many printers, like Brown, do secure printing jobs and don't allow for "visitors". I don't recall about Brown, but you will also find sales offices separate from the actual printing operations.
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