This morning I drove into the Walgreen's parking lot in Woodstock and watched a man in a white Ford Explorer pull partially into a parking spot. It looked like he was about to drive up Mount Everest, as he pulled a the pile of snow. And then he stopped.
You can see about how far he pulled in. Now, it's not like the lot was full. There were plenty of parking spaces. Of course, he was closer to the door by parking halfway out into the driveway.
From the directional arrow painted on the pavement, it's easy to see how much of the driving lane is blocked by his vehicle.
Could he have pulled farther in? Certainly. Picked a different space, instead of blocking a lane? Certainly.
Are some people just inconsiderate? Rude? Or is it something else?
I'm with you on this one! What a moron!
What it is Gus, is some people have these feeling of self entitlement, they feel they are sooooo special that the rules just do not apply to them. I see it everyday. They are the same ones that pass you from the right lane at break neck speed to beat you out at a merge lane. Park yourself on Rt. 47 at Fifth Third Bank or the Harley shop and watch the show sometime. To me the word rude just does not begin to cover these actions.
Thanks, Debra! Actually, I have parked near the Harley store to watch the NASCAR event on southbound 47. Shhhh, I've even asked the Woodstock PD to ticket some of those scoundrels. That would be a great use of the motorcycle officers, after it warms up a little.
Another thing that just irks the heck out of me is the corner of Lake and 47. Right on red on that corner takes on a whole new meaning. I can not tell you how many times that a courteous driver heading north on 47 that pauses to let a left hand turner go thru onto Lake because of the backup then loses our right to proceed cause of the right on red idiots that think this pause is their right to turn. Maddening! A no right on red at that light would be wonderful!! Just some things for you to work on when you are elected Gus. :)
Debra, I certainly agree with you. A "No right on red" could be an IDOT decision, since it's right there at 47. Lake Avenue used to be under IDOT control, but Woodstock has it now. You could contact Woodstock Public Works and find out who is the right person to consider that. IDOT would probably agree, but Woodstock would have to request it.
I have suggested to Woodstock that a "Do not block driveway" sign on Lake Avenue for the Marathon station would be helpful, but can't even get a response out of them, much less a "No." Drivers exiting the Marathon to turn left toward Wal-Mart are at high risk and left to take chances.
Courtesy in Woodstock too often results in a blast on the horn and tailgating and/or flashing headlights and a rude gesture.
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