You know you have graduated to the top of the class, when you receive an invitation to your child's school meeting and your name is listed as "Gus Philpott - Other".
At least they got the last name right on this Notice.
Staff at Woodstock District 200 has called me many things over the past 13 years, not all of which can be printed here. Usually, it has been Gus Philpott - Parent. Sometimes, step-parent. For a while, ex-step-parent. (That was when they decided I wasn't a "parent" and kicked me out of the support group for parents of students in special education.)
But now I've reached a new level. I think I'll show up with my own name badge: "Gus Philpott - Other".
For more rantings about typos and misspelled words, see
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
1 hour ago
Nobody cares!!!! This is just another example of how self centered you are and try to be the center of attention. Get a life!
Actually, I thought this was quite humorous...
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