Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should you answer Qs from the Census taker?

Knock, knock. It's your friendly census taker. Complete with clipboard (or computerized data collector) and ID card. Will you look closely at the ID card and perhaps even telephone the Census Bureau to confirm the identificard card as valid and current?

Here are a few questions you might want to ask the census taker. Watch the video; it can be a learning experience.
Find out what questions the Census Bureau would not answer for Jerry Day.

As of 2/18/10 7:50AM the above link had apparently been taken down. Thanks to Whitmore2 for the alert on this.

To view Jerry Day's message, try this link:


FatParalegal said...

The link didn't work for me.

FatParalegal said...

Thank you, the second link worked, and I am very glad I took the time to watch the video. It wasn't very long and made some very good points. Definitely worth a reader's time.

Gus said...

Glad you watched it. I think the first link might be working again, too. Thanks for letting me know about the earlier problem.