Thursday, February 11, 2010

Want to be a deputy?

Want to be a deputy in the McHenry County Sheriff's Department?

If you go to the Sheriff's Department section on the County's website, you'll read that applications are being accepted now for the 2010 Patrol deputy testing that is anticipated to be held during the Fall of 2010.

If you are curious whether they are any applicants in line, check out the 301 names on the 2009 Patrol Deputy Eligibility List.

I didn't find mention of any application fee, but there is certainly a cost to the sheriff's department for written and physical testing. I think about 400 showed up for the 2009 testing.

Now here's the question... if there are already 301 applicants eligible (and virtually no openings), why is the sheriff's department advertising for and collecting applications for testing in 2010?


Justin said...

What is your obsession with the local Sheriff? I don't see you checking on the other departments. Fox Lake Police Department laid officers off and I think I heard that some other departments are doing the same. Things are tough all over, but the departments still got to have an up to date list. Officers retire, quit etc. Departments always re-test. It would be unfair to me if I was not eligible to take the test last year and miss an opportunity to get a police job because they decided to use an old list.

If you work for one of the local police departments, most desire to get on the Sheriff Department.Good career and varied work. I work a city department and if I don't get onto the Sheriff I'll move to another state.

Most of the deputies are squared away and I just think you
constantly single them out for criticism.

BTW where I came from they had tests going continually for police.

QuitWhiningAlready said...

Overlap for the expiring eligibility list. Testing, interviews, etc...takes time and it is never good practice to run a department without a current list. This isn't news, Gus.