Today on there is a story about a hit-and-run at the Woodstock Cardinal Fitness. The story reports that a white SUV backed into a blue car and that the driver drove away without reporting the crash.
On January 26 I received a call about this January 22nd crash and was given the license plate number (S 56-5) and name of the McHenry County Sheriff's Department deputy (a lieutenant) who was the driver. The next morning, January 27, I photographed a white unmarked Chevrolet SUV with sheriff's department license S 56-5 in the parking lot at the sheriff's department and found blue paint on the bumper right where I had been told to look.
I emailed the beat officers for Beat 24 of the Woodstock Police Department to ask if a hit-and-run had been reported. While my email was acknowledged, I never received a follow-up message to tell me whether or not the damage had been reported.
A manager at Cardinal Fitness told me that she did not know of anyone's blue vehicle having been damaged in the parking lot.
I understand that a report must be filed at any time a sheriff's department vehicle is involved in a crash that results in any damage. Reports should have been filed with the sheriff's department and with the Woodstock Police Department.
Why wouldn't the driver immediately notify his supervisor and call the Woodstock P.D.? Perhaps he didn't think anyone saw it.
I was reminded of a Thanksgiving in Denver when I was volunteering to serve meals to the homeless at Daddy Bruce's BBQ restaurant. Many people heard an engine of a vehicle being revved up, and then we heard tires squealing. And then we heard a loud crash.
A Denver PD officer was fooling around and backed up hard into a small compact car that was parked directly behind the paddy wagon. He hadn't been able to see it in his mirrors. He looked around, only to find a hundred people staring at him. All he could do was shut off the engine and go to find his supervisor. Every person there knew he would have driven off, if no one had been watching!
So I wonder what the discipline is for a lieutenant who damages two vehicles and drives away without reporting it? Is not reporting it the same as lying? Will he be fired? Or just get three days off without pay?
*** SEE article posted 2/9/10 with explanation from the Sheriff's Department about this paint transfer. ***
Zane's blog does not allow anyone except TEAM members to post. I guess he is apparently afraid of comments contrary to the pabulum he has been trying to feed people. I tried to post to his MCSDExposed but he doesn't want any views to be expressed except his own.
This message is directed to Zane in which I ask:
What does you’re continued ranting have to do with anything productive other than belittling yourself? If you, by some unrealistic stroke of illogical legal wrangling, get reinstated to the MCSO, do you think these deputies you have so unmercifully besmirched, will then welcome you back with open arms?
For months you have continually berated and belittled these deputies with half truths and innuendo. I personally believe much of your unfounded statements to be libelous. You have attacked, by name, the same deputies of the department that you pretend to someday want to work with again. Zane you are a large man in stature, but a small man in ethics and moral fiber. Continuing these rants only reinforces to readers that you are not only an ungracious looser, but by continuing these unwarranted vindictive assaults, you are re-enforcing your own shortcomings.
I honestly believe that you know you have a rat farts chance in a hurricane of being reinstated. If you did receive a favorable decision, my bet is that Zane will take the back pay and run like the weasel he is. He knows that now he will have zero credibility in any local court and would be ostracized by anyone so unfortunate to b e forced to work with him.
Not, have you tried emailing Zane and asking to added as a "team member"?
If you want to write such an attack, you might seriously consider penning your legal name to it.
I suspect that what he and I are writing about is only the tip of the iceberg at MCSD.
I read MCSDEXPOSED response to Notawannabe. Zane is so funny. Why do these goobers try to match wits with him. I for one (may or may not work at MCSO.)can't wait for Zane to come back. These bozos won't know what to do. Some people hate him. The ones that are going to be jammed up. The rest of us either think this is fun and/or long overdue.
"Rat farts chance in a hurricane", I know which deputy that is. The goober just used that analogy at roll call the other day. Doesn't he think we can hear him.
Speaking of Zane and his racial profiling accusations, I recently heard from a Detective "J" that a lot of asians get pulled over by deputies. Is that true? I mean is it easy to confuse an asian and a latino? Is there a large asian community in the county?
Vote Mahon!! I'd say to vote Gus but the Green Party is a waste of a vote. All your going to do is make it easier for Nygren. Sorry Gus.
Gus, I think in your head your puting the pieces together but by the end of your article you make it sound like you have already determined the Lt. to be guilty. Also, how do you KNOW the denver guy would have left the scene? Are you assuming? You really need to find another avenue to express your bull poop. People all over the county are getting real sick of you. As a matter of fact you're getting readers from all over northern illinois. Why? Not because you're a credible news source but because you're a joke!
Chang, I hope I can earn your vote over the next 9 months. Remember that a vote for Gus is a vote for me; the Green Party was my route for making sure that I'd be on the Nov. 2 ballot.
Frank, as those old coots on the Bartles & Jaymes commercial said, "Thank you for your support."
If true, congrats for pursuing this. Only questions that I have are: In reading your comments, I see NOTHING that confirms that an accident was reported to the police by either party. Cardinal Fitness knew nothing about it (for whatever that's worth) and the Woodstock Police haven't acknowledged ANYTHING about an accident. That said, and considering the very superficial damage to the SUV, why could not the actual situation be one where the driver of the blue car backed into the squad and took off? If the deputy knew he'd done this, and decided to weasel out of it, why didn't he take a bit of rubbing compound and clean up after himself. This appears to be another quantum leap the way you've written it.
Your OPINION is nothing but hyperbole. Let’s see here. NO reported hit and run to the police, Cardinal doesn’t know about it, but YOUR SOURCE says there was a hit and run. How about this scenario? Some car backed in the SUV and drove off. Maybe he backed into a blue mail box post? Nothing here proves anything except once again you like to cast wild eyed aspersions. Why does the Gus blog always assume the worse?
Could be with all the dirt on a vehicle from our messy weather that the owner of the blue car hasn't spotted the damage yet.
Could be that the blue car was driven by somebody who was not a customer at Cardinal.
Could be that the blue car driver spotted the damage later and doesn't know where it happened.
Think maybe somebody saw it happen? Otherwise, who would call me and give me the plate number?
In any event, the driver of the County vehicle must report the damage to a local P.D. and make an internal report.
Please quote me the law that says you must report damage to the local police.
Not, it's not a "law."
It's my understanding that department policy at MCSD is that all vehicle damage will be reported to the local P.D.
That is a sensible directive.
Okay, let's take the opposite position from you, Gus, i.e. innocent until proven guilty (as least with respect to your casting of aspersions): If somebody backed into the SUV and it was unattended, and the damage is so slight as to be laughable, and the SUV is driven all over the county, how does the operator, if and when he discovers the damage, know WHO to report it to? Do you KNOW that he didn't report it to the sheriff's office, e.g. "Don't know how this happened but look what I found on the left rear corner of my bumper."
Mike, your suggestion that it would only be reported to MCSD, in this case, seems correct.
Why are there those who believe the damage occurred in the Cardinal Fitness parking lot?
Seems as if the only people who claim to have any knowledge of this travesty are you and Zane. YOU say it happened there but now you say maybe it didn't. Maybe you and Zane don't ANYTHING really or maybe the two of you set this whole thing up.
Why are there those who believe the damage occurred in the Cardinal Fitness parking lot?.. Indeed!
No, Mike, I didn't say that. You said that.
How many accidents is this for Miller? (S56-5)
It's been awhile since he's had a screw up. Guess with Lowery looking for a new job and Cundiff having a bum shoulder he's maneuvering for a promotion. This is how he does it. Most people get punished, he gets promoted.
Once again here we go with your hyperbolic rambling. These people that portend to be so knowledgeable should make their first hand witness known to the Sheriff. I suspect that this is nothing more than malcontents throwing aspersions against the wall to see what smears the paint. Dragnet’s Sgt Joe Friday always asked for “Just the facts”. This blog deals with innuendo and unsubstantiated attacks. Gus this group of unknown sources you have must be gutless or not motivated toward having their complaints vindicated. I suggest they take their accusations to the credible investigative persons so they can be either sustained or adjudicated as unfounded. If these SOURCES are a members of the MCSO, by NOT bringing their knowledge forward they are violating the General Orders of the department and furthermore are perpetuating an ethical violation. For that reason I opine that they are merely blowing smoke.
Notawannabe is Pyle. He loves Shakespeare and I saw the book on his desk before. I've heard them talk about it. I would report it but Kathy Seith would cover it up. That's why things don't get reported.
Iknownotwannabe? Are you okay? Just read or reread your post above. You less sense than Gus sometimes. Pyle reads The Bard therefore he is... Uh, Shakespeare has a HUGE following. I bet even Gus has read him. I know I have. Therefore Gus and Mike must also be Notawannabe, right? And who's "them" that were talking about it? Now Pyle is schitzoid? And report what to Kathy Seith? The fact that Pyle reads Shakespeare or that he talks about it with himself or others? If that's the way YOU would file a report (assuming you also are a deputy) it's easy to see why your reports might be ignored. Keep trying however, it's entertaining as all get out. Why not try to guess who I am. Hint: I'm not a deputy, I don't even know Pyle nor am I Notawannabe. Oh yeah, crucial to your investigation... I read Shakespeare and even Chaucer. Go for it!
As long as this blog continues to perpetuate wild eyed nonsensical ramblings which denigrate good deputies, I will continue to dispute these detractors. Gus has read too many conspiracy novels and probably has a life size shrine to Oliver Stone in his apartment. He openly accepts as fact the unsubstantiated allegations of these ‘sources’ yet they appear unwilling to pronounce them to official authority. The sources like to fabricate loony aspersions.
As to the incoherent comment from IknowNotAwannaBe , in another topic area he says, "Without people like you MCSO would be a great place to work. I have a feeling the day is coming when you and your cohorts won't be able to intimidate anyone, anymore."
NOW "splain me this" can You mention Sgt Pyle’s reading Shakespeare like he is the harbinger of the coming of the anti-Christ. Somehow a dangerous omen analogous to some diabolical workplace threat.
Have you fallen down a rabbit hole lately or is it just the Skunk having an anxious moment?
You now have an explanation of where, when and how this "accident" occurred. Still, this is "suspect" to you because it doesn't conform to YOUR idea or conception of how this should have been handled. The fact that your source stated this happened at Cardinal Fitness and you confirmed it by stating that you had been contacted by YOUR sources confirming this and not until later, when I started asking about Cardinal Fitness, did you deny saying anything about Cardinal Fitness, smells much more than anything you could attribute to the sheriff's department at this point. Even the Woodstock City PD appears to know nothing of this accident/crash. Now the thrust of your "case" rests upon the fact that the report of this incident made it to command verbally. You don't even say WHEN it was reported, etc. Following this whole "saga" we can only imagine that if it HAD been submitted in a written report, you'd be looking for some formatting errors in the written report, i.e. not double-spaced, use of military time vs. AM/PM, etc.
Next time you're over at Woodstock PD, how about doing a FOIA on this crash and get to the bottom of this. While you're at it, do a FOIA on Zane Seipler and see what you get. You may be surprised, but I'll guarantee you that others won't be.
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