Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cell phones pop corn. Oh, really?

Watch this. Try it. I dare you.éléphone-portable-micro-o_news

If it works, will you give up your cell phone or take them away from your kids?


Anonymous said...

As like always you don't have a clue. You cant do this with just cell phones. You need the magnetron (what makes the microwave work), which is why one of those devices has no screen. The cell signals power that. Cell phones will not do that alone.

Notawannabee said...

I have received this BOGUS email about Cell phones popping popcorn probably ten times in the past couple weeks.

If you're still that gullible and need proof it is BS, the WHOLE explanation is shown below. (CNN) It was originally a trick done as a Super Bowl AD for Bluetooth.

If you still believe this actually works, then you'll believe that U/C stings using 17 year olds is entrapment...(GRIN)

Notawannabee said...

Copy and paste this URL. It is a TinyURL link to the above CNN story. I see the entire URL did not get published

Gus said...

NotA, thanks for the TinyURL, but it now leads to a different CNN story.

Here's the CNN story about the popcorn:

It's part of a Bluetooth advertising campaign.