This one might take the blue ribbon. At least, for news published on January 28.
In 2007 the Wayne Township (Ind.) School Board cut a deal with its superintendent. Now, not then, they realize what it's going to cost them. According to the article, the super retired in December after only 15 years with the District, and he has already received $800,000!!!!!
And the deal created a position of Superintendent Emeritus and pays him $1,352/DAY to hold his successor's hand, for up to 150 days. Got your calculator handy? Figure out that total for yourself.
This is what happens when elected officials don't read the fine print, get too much "fine print" to read before a meeting, don't get it in time to read it before a meeting, don't run the numbers themselves, and/or don't understand what is in the Board packet.
You can read the whole story, if you have a strong stomach, here:
Could this happen locally? Go by the Woodstock Public Library and look at the size of the package that a Woodstock City Council member receives before a semi-monthly meeting. Thing they read every word? While they get it electronically (pros and cons to that), you can see the printed copy at the library. Getting it electronically could mean they don't read as much of it. Who can tell?
Where are the rest of the watchdogs around here? I'll tell you one thing. Cal Skinner (, Pete Gonigam (, Iris Bryan (, Dave Bachman ( and I could use some help!
Evidence of Leftwing Bias at PBS
3 hours ago
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