Remember when Sheriff Keith Nygren said there was NO racial profiling at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department (MCSD)? Did he say that he had conducted an investigation? And that he had found no evidence of racial profiling?
Does "racial profiling" exist when deputies falsify official documents by recording erroneous information about a driver's race on a ticket?
How did he happen to miss the 140 tickets, all written by one deputy, on which the driver's race was recorded as Caucasian, although the driver was Hispanic? That's just one deputy. How many other similar tickets are there, written by other deputies?
As Sheriff for so many years in McHenry County, he must know what is going on at the Sheriff's Department. Right? I mean, he does spend some time in McHenry County, and wouldn't he take only reasonable vacation time to enjoy his $1,000,000 worth of vacation homes in Minocqua, Wisconsin, and Cape Coral, Florida? (Well, okay, they aren't worth a million dollars today, but ...)
But now it appears that racial profiling did take place.
Sworn testimony in a deposition conducted in private by two attorneys (one, representing Sheriff Nygren) has made its way to the Northwest Herald. Where did it get the deposition taken November 23, 2010? Copies, of course, would have been available to the lawyers who conducted the deposition. Those lawyers could reasonably be expected to give copies to their clients. Those clients were Sheriff Keith Nygren and Deputy Zane Seipler. Did one of them provide a copy to the Northwest Herald?
Will there be a new investigation at MCSD into racial profiling? Who will be investigated? Will just the deputies (low folks on the totem pole) be investigated? How many deputies will be investigated? When will an investigation start?
Will the investigation go on up the food chain? Will supervisors be investigated? Will command officers be investigated? Will the Undersheriff be investigated (did he help the Sheriff investigate the first time around and determine there was no racial profiling?)? Will the Sheriff himself be investigated, since he must have overseen the first investigation, after which he proclaimed there was no racial profiling?
If the Sheriff himself is going to be investigated, who will conduct the investigation? Obviously, it cannot be conducted in-house! The Sheriff can't investigate himself. Will the Illinois State Police be called in to investigate? Will the ISP have to bring in investigators from outside District 2, so that a fair and impartial investigation is conducted?
Evidence of Leftwing Bias at PBS
1 hour ago
Lets try to remember that most Hispanics self identify as white in census data. Many feel this is just a matter of how some define the terms ethnicity or race in how a box is checked on paperwork and nothing else. Perhaps those suggesting that race instead of ethnic history be assigned based on how a name sounds are those that need to consider if they are guilty of using race division for their own selfish purposes.
Regarding the Milliman deposition, the transcript is under a protective seal and the participants are not allowed to make it public.
I do not have a copy of it. My lawyer never ordered a copy of it. We can prove that at the time the NWH published their articles we had never received a copy.
It would be a cold day in the land of imps and brimestone before I would give a copy to that stooge of an editor at the Northwest Herald.
Now regarding the 51 (that's the number I was told) deputies that are being investigated regarding questions about possible racially motivated traffic enforcement and the documentation regarding people's race....It would have been a lot easier and a lot less costly and embarrassing if they would of handled this problem 3 years ago.
Instead, our head strong Sheriff decided to kill the messenger.
What's that old saying about the bull and the horns?
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