Three cheers for the judges of the Illinois Appellate Court that considered Emanuel's residency claim regarding eligibility to run for Chicago's next mayor.
Is there anyone, a-n-y-o-n-e, who thinks Emanuel would have come back to Chicago, had Daley not decided to bail out?
A third-grader could figure out that Emanuel wasn't a Chicago resident.
Now the case goes to the Illinois Supreme Court on an expedited basis. Gee, you can be on Death Row and slated for execution and you can't get that kind of priority scheduling.
What is it about Emanuel that I dislike? P-o-w-e-r. Just look at his photos. Raw power. Raw ego. He portrays an "I'm going to get my way, so get out of my way" attitude. And, if you don't get out of the way, you are going to get run over. An example of power: Emanuel has raised $10.5 million between October and Dec. 31, according to! A lot of people are afraid of that kind of power.
The judges weren't.
Sex Trafficker/Kidnapper Convicted
3 hours ago
Gus Said:
>>>> “What is it about Emanuel that I dislike? P-o-w-e-r. Just look at his photos. Raw power. Raw ego. He portrays an "I'm going to get my way, so get out of my way" attitude. And, if you don't get out of the way, you are going to get run over. An example of power: Emanuel has raised $10.5 million between October and Dec. 31, according to! A lot of people are afraid of that kind of power.”
I don’t disagree with your statement in ANY way. While much the same argument could have been made about Daley and Himself, at least they were born and raised here, and politics aside, it’s impossible to cast aspersions upon the Daleys as having ignored whatever it was that they felt worth doing in bettering their hometown. However, there are all too many instances when I think they were wrong, but nonetheless, at least there was always a scintilla of doing right by Chicago.
Were I a Chicago voter at present, I’d be voting for Gery Chico.
While I don’t in ANY way view Emmanuel as “hometown” (although as an Evanston native, some might disagree), however, what’s at stake for Emmanuel is no different for the similar issue at stake regarding ANYONE who has previously been called away from their home to serve their country, whether in a political capacity OR in a military capacity.
I’ve been a long-time admirer of Joe Morris, the Chair of the now-acting Chicago Election Board. I think he is about as fair and even-handed as they come.
Joe and the Board were faced with two contradictory ordinances or statues as regards Emmanuel’s residency requirements. What also hurts was that both edicts were generally vague, at least in terms of modern realities. Were I Joe, I would have had no reason to rule against Emmanuel, provided our overall system of jurisprudence presumes innocence before guilt in any matter. And Rham proved himself worthy of consideration, if only by one statute alone.
Not that I’m happy with it, but I feel there was more than enough evidence to prove that the Emmanuel family felt their Washington billet to be only temporary, ergo, EXTRA-Chicago, and that they did indeed consider themselves Chicagoans, and that they expected to return to Chicago. Does Obama’s own service preclude him as being a Chicago resident otherwise? As “Linda Richmann” once said, “Discuss amongst yourselves”.
That I find Emmanuel to be detestable is hardly reason to ignore what I would otherwise believe to have been a REASONABLE ruling on Morris’ part. If the Chicago voters are ill equipped to avoid certain tragedy in electing Emmanuel Mayor, oh well! Much is the pity, but I can’t presume to stop them from doing so, because I believe his claim to Chicago is sound. Island Lake being in similar peril, don’t ya know!
Like him or not (I personally dislike him) I think he is getting a raw deal. He has been a life long Chicagoan and only left the area to take the Chief of Staff position. If they allow him on the ballot it will be a great thing for all the City of Chicago workers now required to live in the city. The same standard they use to require that residency will be essentially nullified. It was very succinctly explained on WLS yesterday. A person that is a city of Chicago worker could move to the suburbs and still maintain a part time residence in Chicago. They own a home, condo or use a relatives’ address. If they own, they could lease it out. The test would be if they INTENDED to move back to Chicago SOMEDAY in the future. What’s good for the Goose? The Chicago Public Employee Unions are ready to jump on this one.
Realistically this goes against logic. If you serve your country, you lose your residency?
Rahm Emanuel was serving his country? Give me a break. Hold that one for the kid in military service. His was a political patronage j-o-b, and a high-paying one, at that!
Don't kill the messenger! I don't like him either BUT I do think they are applying the rule to him in a very strict fashion.
ABC7 tonight has Chico already telling the unions that if Emanuel is left on the ballot based upon this “intending to return” argument, Chico will (if elected) end the residency.
The exact wording of the Illinois Statute he hopes to use:
(away) "on business of the United States"
Granted, the Statute DOES enable those so deemed in service to have a valid residence as an ELECTOR,yet it does not specifically or categorically deny an ELECTEE the same rights. That issue not being set in stone is worthy of a legal argument.
That will be the crux of the argument. Should Emmanuel need make a "federal case" out of it, one could resonably be sure that the "equal protection clause" will become the basis for the requisite argument to be had.
As of this afternoon, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an injunction that "no ballot will be printed WITHOUT Emmanuel's name on it."
While he's still "on the ballot" per this injunction, no actual decision has yet been made as to whether or not he'll actually BE ALLOWED as a candidate.
Stay tuned!
If you squint and look just right, Illinois is shaped like a clown car. I am sick of this crap. Leaving IL ASAP.
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