Some followers of the Beth Bentley missing person case are dismayed at a recent major change in the original Facebook page devoted to the Bentley case.
The "page" quickly grew to over 7,500 followers and many categories listed under the Discussion Topics tab. There were many challenging theories and many comments from throughout the country. Many readers and followers were from downstate Illinois, from where Beth has been thought to have disappeared. But there have also been many followers from other states, including the East Coast.
There have been squabbles among the "administrators" of the page, as they gave themselves the title. At times certain followers would be banned or blocked. When that happened, the person's Facebook entry was removed from the "page" and all the comments disappeared from the topics. Sometimes, people removed themselves and their comments but, at other times, they were kicked out. It seemed that one or another of the several "administrators" would have a hissy fit and make an independent decision; then - poof, the offender (in the opinion of the administrator) was gone.
And then, very recently, another purging of that original "page" occurred. Originally titled 'Beth Bentley - Missing Woodstock Woman", the page is now titled "BETH BENTLEY ..helping to bring them ALL HOME! Many comments were removed, and the number of "members" dropped from 7,500+ to less than 3,600.
In response to a comment about the removal of so many comments, the following was received from one of the administrators: "The discussions were in place to assist the police in garnering useful information. This was no longer the case. The discussions are preserved, just not accessible for additional comments."
This would have one believe that thousands of comments posted by hundreds of Facebook members were collected to help the cops find Beth. This was not why people posted. Yes, perhaps some of the comments did help law enforcement, although that's doubtful from the shortage of information from any police department.
Facebook members wanted Beth to be found. If perps are involved, we want them identified, apprehended and prosecuted. But we didn't post comments and opinions for the purpose of assisting the police. Anyone with a tip would have contacted the police directly and would not have sat back with fingers crossed, hoping the cops might be reading Facebook.
The administrators of the original Facebook page should immediately restore all comments and then keep their cotton-pickin' hands off. They are not there as censors. It was nice of them to create the page; now, stay out of the way.
Evidence of Leftwing Bias at PBS
54 minutes ago
Gus, you make it painfully clear that you take sides. While you are claiming that the administrators of the first Beth Bentley page need to quit censoring, why don't you look at the other page as well? They have not only disabled anyone else from posting on the wall, but just YESTERDAY, a woman was banned for posting an Amber Alert. Another woman can't even figure out why she was banned. The other page has people being banned from left to right, some for no reason. Although people have been claiming that the discussion tabs from the first page are being edited, I and three other women have seen with our own eyes that they have not been edited. If you want to talk about censorship on a page for a missing person, then maybe you should look at the OTHER page, too.
Beth's page is no longer about trashing and focusing on what can be done now she is missing. It will also bring more awareness to the plight of the missing. We want and need solutions. Like Billy's Law that will help the missing. There are many ways to carry Beth's message to others without using the page as a way to hurt others. Someone had to stop so it is now stopped. Simple. Gus if you really want to help spread the word about Billy's Law. Answers are only found when the foot work is done. And a search party would be on the list. Why hasn't it? We need people to write everyone that is voted into office. Post flyers, call a friend share the information,start a prayer chain. But the gossip and hurt need to stop. And it has on this page. I know you don't understand but if your really willing to help get out there and get the word out and start contacting those who can really help. And grow up talking about anyone and everyone and creating more pain isn't helping. Getting the word out and sharing information of the missing helps.
I think it speaks volumes that Beths brother now supports Beth is Missing... "the other" facebook page.
So, Danielle, Im wondering if that may make you stop and go hmmmmmm. Its about Beth and HER family. Wake up!
The so called "gossip and hurt" that needed to stop... its not on the page but it still lives on behind the scenes.
Yes, I am a new casualty of banning as of tonight - and not by BBM1, but by BBM2. Apparently, if one refuses to take sides in the "Battle of the Boards" and wanted to post on both boards, one gets accused of being a part of a "secret group". For pete's sake - this is a missing persons case - not a junior high clique.
Yes, iwannaknow, it IS about Beth and her FAMILY. The family that has been there for her. The family that loves her. Not the family that just barely showed up, a year before her disappearance, and from what I heard, wasn't very nice to her.
The family I care about is her three sons, her husband, and her father. Not the one bitching and moaning that her husband should have paid for a billboard, EVEN THOUGH the brother took up donations for the billboard. The cost was $250, and according to this brother, he had over $400. How interesting that he wouldn't pay for even part of it. This will probably get me flack, and if it does, all well. But the family I'M concerned about are the ones that were actually there for her.
Tell me, when did her brother hop on a flight down here to help? When did he hand out flyers? When did he spread awareness? When did he do anything?
People want to sit and bash on Beth's neighbor, when in reality, she has done a millions times more than Beth's "family".
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