Cal Skinner reports this morning on that Sheriff Nygren blew nearly $17,000 fighting the Circuit Court's decision against him in the Bob Schlenkert termination case.
Schlenkert won in McHenry County Circuit Court, but the sheriff thought the judge was wrong and he used an outside, private law firm to carry on his fight against re-hiring Schlenkert and sent the legal eagles off to Elgin to the Appellate Court.
Once this matter got to the judges, they made short work of it. They heard the case on a Tuesday, took a few bites out of the sheriff's attorney, and announced their decision three days later.
Without waiting to submit the legal fees for the March Appellate Court hearing, the private law firm billed the County $16,943.20 for legal fees and expenses of Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper from March 2009 through February 2010. You can see the law firm's statement on McHenry County Blog.
Did their contract for this assignment require them to hold off and then bill a year's worth of services in one statement? Is that the total bill on this case for that period? Was there a retainer at the beginning of their work on this case? Only $17,000? As Cal pointed out, the bill hasn't arrived yet for their appearance at the Appellate Court in March.
What would be really interesting to know is just how large of a total legal bill for outside legal work does the sheriff's department run up in a year? The sheriff's department has an attorney; it's called the McHenry County State's Attorney.
How much will the March bill in this case be?
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Shouldn't Schlenkert have to pay back all the disability pay he has been receiving?
It's not like he has not been receiving a check. The sad fact is the guy hasn't done an honest days work in 17 years and has played the system like a concert violin.
Why hasn't someone done a FOIA on his employment history? Why hasn't some news source reported how he has use every day of sick time and then takes unpaid days off on top of that? Why hasn't someone reported that he has been suspended for more disciplinary issues than any other deputy in department history? (Not counting this last episode)
Hopefully the Sheriff can find some place for him to work where he is not responding to calls and blowing off the public and loafing on the county dime.
You are so blinded by your hatred of Nygren that you fail to see the issue of retaining an incompetent employee. I know that Schlenkert is your big buddy. As Zane's campaign manager in your eyes, he could do no wrong.
On one day your proclaim yourself as the champion of police ethics then you defend this guy.
Face facts. Schlenkert does not deserve to wear ANY police badge. It's a sad day for McHenry Co.
So look at that billing form on Cal's blog. It seems that the case was referred out by the state's attorney's office (SAO assigned). Seems easy enough to figure out. They lack the expertise in that area or had a conflict or...
Nota, I'm publishing your 3:03PM comment for a reason. You're the one with hatred, not I.
The libel against Schlenkert is prosecutable. You really might give some thought to where the line is between constitutionally-protected speech and libel.
I'd say that the Appellate Court defended Bob Schlenkert. It is the one who gave him his job and pay back.
If you have a gripe about their decision, go visit the three judges who ruled unanimously against Nygren.
Just, do you know, for a fact, whether Schlenkert has been receiving disability pay? Seems to me he would have gone off disability to be able to return to work.
I find it hard to accept that he "hasn't done an honest days work in 17 years." Are you saying that the Sheriff's Dept. was so ineptly run that it kept an employee for 17 years who didn't "do an honest day's work"?
You seem to know a lot about his employment. Are you in HR at the sheriff's department or just guessing? What access do you have to employment or disciplinary records that gives you information on which to base your statements.
Your allegations appear, at least to me, to be highly questionable.
Why are some of you guys so vindictive?
Are you jealous deputies? Bob is already pretty well off and now this will just pad his bank account nicely. FYI, he stopped his disability in 2006 and was not fired until 2007, so there will be no paying IMRF back, morons. As far as suspensions Lt. M, Capt. O, Sgt. S, Sgt. P to name a few have all had bigger suspensions than Bob. Bob has won most of his BS suspensions back thru arbitration. And if you consider beating up old people while serving a warrant a hard days work, than I guess Bob hasn't put in a hard day. Bob is going to have a badge and gun just like every other deputy no matter where they put him. He has his 20 years in now and looks forward to that nice pension. At least he has the balls to stand up to the bully, unlike you guys. Shoot anyone at the range lately, morons.
Another point, Bob's last suspension was in 1996, that's 14 years ago. After certain people left the dept. the suspensios seemed to fade away. Maybe if they didn't follow him and solicit complaints there wouldn't be any suspensions. Zane's case is another instance of looking for a reason to fire or suspend. How many deputies have fired their weapons inside the SO building or in hotels that haven't been disciplined. How about deputies working as bouncers at strip clubs against dept. rules or being arrested for bar fights. How about alcoholic deputies who are off for over 3 years and then return to be promoted or deputies that drive their squad to AA meetings. What about armed female deputies who run from a man with a knife rather than drop him with a few well placed rounds.The stories from the SO are endless. And you guys are worried about Bob being lazy. Lazy doesn't cost the county millions in legal fees like the biggest blunder in county history-the Gauger case. At least the final moron responsible for that one has now left the dept. . I look forward to the Pavlin case and the many other civil suits that are coming soon to a court room near you.
Being that this opinion runs opposite to the Green view or Dirty Keith people, I doubt you’ll publish it. But at least you’ll know my opinion.
Luckily I don't even live in Illinois anymore and haven't in several years, I still know the many of the players in this never ending Peyton Place and track local events via the internet. Once and a while some valid information squeaks through the blogs, (Cal Skinner’s seems to have more news and less BS). Living out of state I am somewhat of a disadvantage but my friends back in the Land of Lincoln keep me quite well informed of the local politics.
I think it is pretty sad when the same people who brought discredit to the MCSO and have only performed to minimum work levels, continue to attack those that have worked to achieve higher standards for the department. Recently one blogger attacked a couple Sheriff’s commanders that were dead. Let the past be gone and deal with current events. Get over it!
Gus, you can’t have it both ways. First you complain about cops ignoring the law and not enforcing the law, (speeding in squads etc) then you turn around and pander to the same people that do that very thing.
At Christmas I came back to see relatives. This was before the primary election and I spoke to some current deputies. Those I spoke to did not agree with the anti’s posting here and strongly supported the Sheriff. They were quite vocal against the attacks that Zane was making against the deputies and commanders.
One recent Sheriff Candidate made many scurrilous allegations against several commanders and fellow deputies and you published them. If you moderate the blog and allow it, you must apparently condone it.
When a Sheriff commander does their job and initiates an investigation against a deputy when seeing misconduct, these blog posters attack the commander, not the deputy. They cast a blind eye to misconduct. Lying and not being a good public servant is fine for them, but try and stop it or set the standard higher and you become the blog target. Snipes from a keyboard using malicious lies and innuendo Lets not forget the vicious attacks against the Patrol Captain. I don’t care if he smokes a carton a day has one lung or breaths through gills, if he is sick, that is a protected issue and he has sick days that are allowed under County policy. By bringing discipline against Sir Pumkin, the Captain painted a huge target on his back. As far as I can see, he did as he should have done, but blog attacks seem fair game with the Sheriff haters. Gus, its your blog and you allow it.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Nota, I'm sure you'll recognize that sentence. I understand it is often mis-attributed to Voltaire and at other times to others.
My publication of someone else's comment, or even yours, does not signal my approval of it or that I am of the same mind.
Your comment is your comment. The opinions and words are yours, not mine.
It is my opinion that deputies fear speaking out. They risk their jobs by speaking out. When that atmosphere of retribution and retaliation exists, then disorder prevails. If the MCSD were squeaky clean, as it should be, then the accusations and rumors wouldn't be flying around.
The best, recent example? The MCSD response to the Woods' injury at the range. No comment for many days? "Road rash"? No report on file by Deputy Woods?
Driving a squad car to an AA meeting?
That's not a reasonable accommodation under ADA! A take-home squad is a privilege, not a right.
It's just plain stupid to drive a take-home squad car to an AA meeting. Think about the message that sends to the public!
The deputy should drive his personal vehicle to an AA meeting. Look. I'm glad s/he is going to AA. I support recovery. And I value acknowledge and truth. But the public is not going to understand a squad car parked outside an AA meeting.
Most alcoholic cops are not in AA. And most will say they aren't alcoholics; they just drink too much.
You do realize that based on the new law people can FOIA police disciplinary records?
FOIA, Miller, Penna, Schmidt, Kalenick, Olsen, Reineking, Cedegren, Embry.
Just for starters.
Yes, I know Olsen is retired but sexual harrassment after the lawsuit...Nygren is a just and fair man. LOL
Since I can't be sure of the people involved in these postings it is hard to comment. I do know that since I was a deputy patrolman for the MCSP from many years I pretty much know the landscape. Schlenkert and I worked togther and I had no problem with him other than he always called in sick so others could not get days off. As far as working with him, he always was cool headed and didn't seem afraid except he never wanted to pull paper ( write reports) and someone else often got stuck with it. I never saw the sence of sending him back to school. Either he is fit or not fit. Sir Pumkin rips a bunch of deputy's for being suspended and except for two of them, I worked with them all. All were good people that just got crossways with Nygren. I think if some would dig long enough they would find a hole lot of suspensions. It was a hard learning curve when Nygren came into office after Bill Mullen died. Bill Mullen would suspend you, but not like Nygren. Nygren suspended a high ranking officer for not reporting a consentual affair between a Lt and deputy that most everyone knew about. They were both in good graces with Nygren and this commander was not. A patrol Lt got busted down to deputy for having an secret affair with a deputy and then lied about it. OK for one but not another??
ANYWAY I guess I'm glad Bob got his job back. I don't know ZANE
Frank, thanks for your insightful, thoughtful comment. Well-written, balanced, informative. Thanks!
Maybe you'll have some memory of something I've forgotten details of. In 1996 something happened in Crystal Lake while Nygren was Chief there. It was all over the news; as I recall, in the fall or winter. Possibly to do with the girl drinking at John Evans Restaurant who then ran over a Mexican man riding his bike home. If you know anything about that, such as the approximate date, will you please contact me directly? Thanks.
Also about AA. I know that deputy that was gone and then got promoted and doubt he drove his car to AA. He was a very good deputy. What sence is it to throw dirt on people that have nothing to do with current situations? Why rip on people that are dead or retired. I also had to transport people from the jail to court ordered AA meetings. My squad sat outside. Now I think they have AA in the jail.
An inmate got released to attend AA meetings? You're kidding; right? A judge actually ordered an inmate transported to an AA meeting outside the jail?
Let's separate the issues here. A squad sitting outside an AA meeting because a judge ordered the sheriff to transport a prisoner to a meeting is one thing.
An off-duty deputy driving his take-home squad to an AA meeting for his own recovery is something else.
Any digging up of old dirt is only for the purpose of uncovering existing, similar incidents, activities or (to use a Six Sigma term) "defects" in operations.
Wannabee, which comments are rumor? Please tell. I can post the names and many more details if you like. I still live in the county and may have even been present at many of these incidents. Rules that are supposed to keep dept. "dirt" hidden from the public don't work real well in the age of the anonymous blog comments. Thankfully the sheriff's dept. couldn't ID me if they had a signed confession. Is it ok if I take my squad to a KKK meeting or how about on vacation in Wisconsin. Maybe I could get one of those county credit cards and take my friends to Dunhill's for some filets and drinks. Drink some more of the sheriff's kool-aid.
I read Frank. And I agree. You will find a lot of suspensions. For a lot of different things.
Zane and Bob are different. They wouldn't just take it. Like everyone else does. We all know why Zane was fired. No one ever stood up to them like he did. I personally will be happy when Bob and Zane are back. Two guys you can count on not to run away when the going gets tough.
Gus asks "In 1996 something happened in Crystal Lake while Nygren was Chief there. It was all over the news; as I recall, in the fall or winter. Possibly to do with the girl drinking at John Evans Restaurant who then ran over a Mexican man riding his bike home." Close but no cigar Gus. That was in October 1997. Go to the courthouse and pull the file on Laura (?) Zolecki who was convicted of killing Francisco Rivas who was riding his bicycle home on Main St. That happened on October 29, 1997. She had been drinking at John Evans Inn. Nygren was also in the news at John Evans Inn that year as the NW Herald reported the RETIREMENT DINNER for the FORMER Crystal Lake Chief of Police was held there on July 18, 1997. Three months earlier? Smoking gun? More bullshit? You've got your dates, run with them! BTW, whatever did Notawanna.. post that you approved and then pulled due to pressure from the Zaneys? That's so unlike you. You post some of the strangest stuff but rarely retract it. I just gloss over most of the crap here and can't for the life of me recall what it was he posted. Must have struck a nerve with SOMEBODY who needed some protection, eh?
Tao, if you look more carefully at the retraction of Notawannabee's "April 8, 10:11AM" comment, you'll see that it reads, "This post has been removed by the author." The author is Notawannabee. You'll have to ask him why he retracted it.
I don't keep copies of comments from readers, so I can't tell you what it said. Maybe I should, but I'd have to rent a storage locker.
Like Richard Nixon said, "Let me be perfectly clear." No one pressures me to do anything. Well, let me re-state that. I do not succumb to pressure from anyone.
Saw that but everything else relates to the "Blog Author" My mistake.
As for the Nixon quote... He also, I believe said "I am not a crook!" That didn't work out so well, did it?
Yes, you're right. I thought of that. And didn't he hold up two fingers in a V (victory or peace) sign?
Have you heard the Rich Little skit, "The President's Card Game"? It's a hoot.
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