Why was a Woodstock police officer stationed at Grace Hall all day today?
Were the police expecting trouble? Did they think someone might chain himself or herself to a support column to prevent the demolition of Grace Hall?
Were they afraid someone might try to steal a brick?
Oh, maybe the City was afraid someone might breathe in dust containing asbestos. Was the cop there to warn spectators not to stand downwind from the demolition site?
Or was he there to prevent parking on the south side of Christian Way, along the temporary construction fence, and to keep vehicles out of the roadway?
Or was he there to monitor workplace safety?
And was it necessary for the Community Service Officer to drop by for a long visit, meaning there were TWO employees of the police department there?
And when the marked police car left, was it really necessary for the unmarked blue Ford traffic car to take over?
Who paid for the police presence there today? WCLS? Gavers Excavating? Or did the taxpayers take it on the chin today for about $40.00/hour?
Feds Arrest Teacher for Child Porn
4 hours ago
You have many passions Mr. Philpott I'll give you that. As a voter in McHenry County and a long time follower of your website I have to ask you. Are you still running for office?
I find myself wanting to make a difference with my votes come November and I am not finding much about politics coming from the Woodstock Advocate.
I'm looking for a candidate to support for Sheriff. Mr. Mahon has put out some press releases and raised some issues but I have a hard time swallowing the Democrat pill. I've never voted Green but would be willing to do so if I knew you were going to be a Sherif and not a bleeding heart for century old relics.
I have spent my entire life in McHenry County and watched Mr. Nygren blunder and bully his wasy to the top. His friend Mr. Koehler is caught up in a heap of trouble now too.
I want to vote for a conservative lawman, Mr. Philpott. I voted for Mr. Seipler in the primary. That young man has courage, he talked about issues, he exposed the players out here for what they are. Too bad he was so new to the game.
You are not new to the game Mr. Philpott. Convince me to vote for you. Don't make me gag on the Cook County Democrat.
Grace Hall is gone as I wish Mr. Nygren to be come November.
Independent Voter, many thanks for your comment today.
Yes, I am still in the game, but I have not been more public yet, because of the lengthy time period to election day. I got some early advice, warning me not to peak too early.
Soon, I'll be much more public and talking about how I will run the Department, if I can get one more vote than Nygren. That's all I need.
So, yes, the race is still wide open. Many think Nygren will resign/retire right after Election Day, if he wins. I think the voters want a sheriff who will serve if elected. Will Nygren sign an oath to do so? And would that get him any votes, if he did?
I picked the Green Party so that I would not get eliminated in the Primary. I hope you'll like what you will hear me talking about.
Indy Vtr- I am as concerned as you are about who will be our next Sheriff. Nygren is not a joke, he's a nightmare. You say you are independent. I assume that means you think for yourself, evaluate and base decisions on facts you gather. I am leaning toward Mike Mahon right now. He has brought up issues that concern our families and our County Officers' safety and security - Keith did/has not, neither did Zane in the primary. I like that Mahon has been a part of the community out here for some 15 years, he is married, and raises and schools his kids here, pays taxes here, has even previously run for local office here. I have been to his website. I have met him and asked him questions and he listened and had good answers. I really doubt Richie Daley supports anyone, especially a guy you call a "Cook County Democrat", who advocates concealed carry. The Dems don't seem to be lining up, in fact I saw more people I know as Repubs or conservative independents at the event I attended. Heads were going up and down - not side to side. I found out Mahon is pro-life, although that has nothing to do with the Sheriff's job. But it again tells me Mahon does not fit the Dem label as easily as you seem to believe. I only know a couple of Dems who are pro-life. All that aside, try to communicate with the man, either by email at his website - I got a response in less than a day - or go to one of the events he's at and face him eye to eye as I did and get your visceral response first hand. I love Gus because he stirs things up when we can't get straight objective info from the NWH. Gus runs a straight blog, and handles the rude, insulting and aggressive responses very well. But Mahon has, as you rightly say, "put out press releases and raised some issues". Who else has? What kind of people will Mahon surround himself with? What improvements will he make in accountability within the department? I await those revelations. But I really believe they will come. And I am hopeful I will continue to see Mike Mahon as a truly worthy candidate. Remember, Indy - if you are going to "gag" when it comes time to vote, it will only be because you have not fully chewed over the facts and digested the meat and potatoes of the positions offered by each candidate. This time, forget labels - vote the candidate and hold him fully accountable. I certainly will.
Amos, I read your comment and I've done some research. Thank You. The pro-life issue is big to me even if it has nothing to do with law enforcement. I appreciate that Mahon is easily reached, though at this time I have no reason to contact him personally. Officer safety is a fine issue but honestly it is not my most important issue. Being a cop is dangerous. That's a fact. What I want is fiscal restraint, unlike the $16000 Nygren spent on frangible ammo that was very bad for officer safety. (McHenry County Blog article today, I want accountibility (no more lawsuits), I want cops to treat the public with respect (I don't want senior citizens to get beat up) and I want the gang/drug problems in the south east corner of the county and in HEBRON to be addressed, aggressively. I want deputies to do their job professionally. I was pulled over some months back by a little bald guy who was very rude and abrasive. Like he took my infraction as a personal insult to him. Later I find out that same deputy was involved with beating up two fellow senior citizens. The little guy reminded me of Nygren when he was a younger man. If Mahon wants my vote I need to hear the issues I care about. Not the issues cops care about. I care for my safety, first.
Indy - I am in complete accord with you on every point you raise and concern you've just voiced. You ARE independent, as I read the above comments. I am glad that you did the research, as I did, and as each of us who care about McHenry County should do. I have to say that it was not my impression that Mahon is a politician or a cynical street cop: he was completely approachable and made me feel at ease. I believe every person who reaches at least 30 years of age can recount at least one really stinking humiliating encounter with a cop. I can - yours sounded worse than mine and the incident you referred to about seniors being beaten is not only disgusting - it is criminal and a complaint should have been filed with the MCSO. You are right on the mark when you say that you care about your personal safety first. Senior or teen, every law enforcement officer is sworn to uphold the law, not to terrorize or victimize the folks who pay their salaries and benefit packages (our taxes). But you have now mentioned something that you really should email (at least) Mahon about and see if he will take the time to respond to "the little guy" (forgive the gender - I don't know you). If he is truly a worthy candidate, he will give you straight answers on his position on gang activity, not only in Hebron, but in Woodstock and the rest of the County he hopes to 'serve and protect', about professional demeanor and the conduct of his personnel and what he will do if a citizen like you or me wants to make a complaint. Go at him, Indy - see if there is a human side to the potential cop-in charge. Mike Mahon and Gus Philpott owe each of us the courtesy of responding to every one of our reasonable concerns. We already know Nygren. You appear to have run into either one of his clones, or else a very disaffected, demoralized sack of DNA in a Sheriff's uniform, which is a clear reflection of the tone and tenor of the past 12 years of Nygren's reign. Remember, Indy- unless we ask the questions and demand solid answers (no tap dancing, an almost impossible image with Keith), we will get the government we deserve. We certainly deserve better than we've gotten. Great post, Indy!
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