"PONTIAC, IL - State Senator Dan Rutherford (R-Pontiac) delivered the following comments after learning about the Illinois Department of Corrections plan to purchase ammunition from an out of state company.
"Now let me get this straight. The state is $6000 behind paying an Illinois vendor for bullets for correctional officers, so the vendor required the state to pay cash upfront," Rutherford said. "Instead of resolving the late payments to our Illinois vendor, this Administration made an emergency purchase with an Indiana company for $200,000 worth of ammunition. What are they thinking? Indiana does not have a problem with job creation, so why would we spend public
monies to help an out-of-state vendor."
Really cool move by the stupid bureaucrats in Illinois government; right?
Why would they stiff an Illinois employer and then go across a state line and run up a $200,000 purchase? Why not just pay the $6,000 to the Illinois supplier? Of course, the Illinois ammo manufacturer might be a little leery of a $200,000 order when Illinois was a slow-pay on the $6,000.
If Illinois orders ammo across state lines and doesn't pay for it, will an Indiana company file a claim and take possession of one of our prisons? Will it say, "We don't want the prisoners; just the building" and and get a court to kick out the prisoners?
So much for "Shop Illinois first."
Dumb. Just plain dumb.
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