This morning's Northwest Herald carries an article about a dangerous publicity stunt on a Crystal Lake street by a Crystal Lake man and his buddy from Lake Geneva.
Also on the website is a link to a video taken of the stunt, providing visual proof of the stunt and the dangerous traffic violations.
The press obviously had been alerted, because a reporter and a photographer were there. Did the folks at the Raue Center know ahead of time about this? And not notify the police department?
Just imagine the liability to the City of Crystal Lake, had an injury occurred during this stunt!
The following letter has been sent to Dave Linder, Chief of the Crystal Lake Police Department:
"Dear Chief Linder,
"This morning's Northwest Herald carries a story about a blindfolded driver on a public street in Crystal Lake, and there is a link to a video clearly showing the blindfold and vehicle operation on the street.
"I request that the Crystal Lake P.D. cite the driver and also cite the passenger for participating in this dangerous stunt.
"Will you please let me know what action will be taken by the police department?"
Feds Arrest Teacher for Child Porn
4 hours ago
Your arrogance never ceases to astound me. Where do you get off REQUESTING anything? Plus you want a reply? DO you actually think all the cops are so stupid that can't do without you meddling? Why should the kowtow to you?
Again, why are you rehashing news already in print? Why are you reporting outside of Woodstock? Last I heard, YOU are the Woodsotck Advocate. You're out-of-bounds AGAIN; and I'm about to issue a penatly. Doh.
One of my favorite lapel buttons is "No Limits".
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