Lakemoor (Ill.) P.D. is about to suffer cuts, thanks to $120,-150,000 being lopped off the P.D.'s budget.
Under the leadership of Village President Todd Weihofen, the Board is laying off an 18-year sergeant, demoting another sergeant to patrol, canning a probationary officer, and cutting hours of the police clerk.
AND considering establishing a Deputy Chief position for the re-styled department. Smart; really smart...
Kind of reminds me of the email that was making the rounds a while back about expenses that keep going up and up until the organization started firing all the employees at the bottom of the totem pole.
Lakemoor's police chief, Michael Marchese, just came on board in February, after 30 years with the Schaumburg P.D.
My experience is that when small town departments get a new top gun who has been with a bigger department, then the "big city", expensive ideas start to take over. The Village President has been slicing and dicing in Lakemoor and getting a lot of press over it. I wonder whose idea it was to lop off employees at the bottom and then start talking about adding more administration.
Are they taking lessons from school districts?
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