In a case of "stupid is, as stupid does," an Ionia, Michigan, elementary school suspended a 6-year-old boy for making a "gun" with his hand and pointing it at another student. The school alleged that the boy made other students feel "uncomfortable."
Educators are supposed to be the smart ones. You know, all manner of college degrees and training courses. And that's the best they could do to handle a situation? The school claimed that "kind" of the boy's behavior had gone on for several months.
Remember the kids' movie, Matilda? "I'm big; you're little. I'm smart; you're dumb."
Is it going to be against the law now to play cowboys-and-Indians? Cops-and-robbers? Heaven help the kids today who pick up branches and chase each other around yards, pointing them at others and yelling, "Bang, bang." Some worry wart will probably call the police and report "kids with guns" in the yard. Then SWAT and MARV will show up.
Maybe we should all walk around with two fingers stuck in our belts, ready to "draw."
By the way, where are the Eddie Eagle programs in McHenry County? Why isn't gun safety taught in our schools?
At a meeting the other night, several questions were asked:
"How many of you own guns?" All hands went up.
"How many of you have guns at home?" Most hands went up.
"How many of you keep your guns locked up at home?" My hand did not go up. What good is a gun at home if it is locked up?
If someone breaks into my place while I'm home, what am I supposed to say? "Hang on a minute. I've got to work this combination lock here in the dark and unlock my gun case. Then I have to unlock this second lock to get the ammo. Then I have to load the gun. OK, I'm ready now."
Oh, just point my fingers at them and yell, "Bang, bang"? No way.
Feds Arrest Teacher for Child Porn
4 hours ago
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