What's the true cost of graffiti?
This gang graffiti showed up on the north wall of Aldi's, in the shopping center where Office Depot is and where Taco Bell out front on Route 47. Hopefully, the manager will be able to arrange with the building owner to have it painted over within a couple of days.
Does Woodstock need a Graffiti Patrol? A couple of years ago a number of citizens and high school students showed up at the location of some graffiti and within a couple of hours had it painted over. Do we, as residents, want the gangs taking over in Woodstock? Absolutely not!
If you see anyone at work with a spray can, call the police immediately. Give them half a chance to catch the culprits at work. And no Adjudication Court for them. Send them right over to Circuit Court and give them a taste of 200-300% court costs on top of a hefty fine.
The parking lot in front of Aldi, near Taco Bell, is an evening and late-night gathering spot for carloads of kids. The beat officer of the Woodstock Police Department should keep an eye on these kids and make frequent stops to ID them. Even a drive-by to note license plate numbers will deter them. You can tell when they've been there, because they missed the class on how to put their trash in a trash can or take it home; they just pitch their bags and wrappers on the ground.
Care to help the police? When you see 2-3-4 cars circled like Conestoga wagons in the parking lot, cruise by and write down some license plate numbers. If there is trash on the ground, call the P.D. and ask them to send an officer by. Furnish the license plate numbers to the beat officers.
You can easily contact a WPD beat officer by email. Address your message to pbo_ _@woodstockil.gov. For example, the Taco Bell/OfficeDepot parking lot is in Beat 24. Send your email to pbo24@woodstockil.gov All the beat officers should receive your message, as well as the sergeants.
A reader has informed me that this graffiti been there on the Aldi's wall since at least March 31st.
The sender added, "... now if it was downtown in the square, it would have been covered up by now."
Gus - This graffiti appears to be serious stuff and McHenry citizens should be very concerned - both about the appearance of this graffiti and that Sheriff Nygren once again fails to act on behalf of the taxpayers. Here is what this graffiti says:
14 = represents the 14th letter of the alphabet, 'N'.
N = "Norteno". The Nortenos are rivals to the Sureno-13 gang. Nortenos are the mob that dominates northern California and the Surenos dominate southern California. They are mortal enemies, constantly vying to control the local drug traffic.
K = "Killer". In this representation, Norteno killer.
Upsidedown pitchfork = dissing (disrespecting) the 'Folk Nation'. There are two "nations", Folks and People. The Nortenos and Surenos respect neither. Folks and People gangbangers are the major factions in Cook County (Latin KIngs, Black P-Stones, etc.), for example, and virtually all gangs align with one group or the other.
Thug = the author of the graffiti.
If there are any LKs or BPS mobs in the immediate neighborhood of the graffiti, '14K' might also be dissing them, but more than likely, Thug was sending a message to any Surenos-13.
If there was any additional graffiti, it might be useful to see those markings. In any case, it looks like we have a new gang in town, and this should not be allowed to exist here.
Amos, thanks for your interpretation of the gang symbols.
I believe the grafitti has been painted over.
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