If there is one YouTube video you watch (and this is not an April Fool's joke), you've got to watch this one. U.S. Representative Hank Williams (Dem. - Ga. 4th Congressional District) is worried that the island of Guam might tip over - "capsize" is the word he used.
His Congressional website tries to explain this away with, "The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island."...
Watch him and decide for yourself if he is exercising subtle humor.
This is a Member of Congress earning - what? - $174,000!!! Does that guy have any education at all?
How did that Admiral ever keep a straight face? I guess it might have been a career-ending move to say something, "You're kidding; right?" and burst out laughing.
Pritzker: Defender of Illegal Aliens
56 minutes ago
I nominate this guy for the "Here's Your Sign" award.
Don't base your judgment of the good Congresscreep, er, person on this single youtube.com clip. Instead, after you see it, click on some of his other youtube.com clips. When you're done with those, do a Google search on him and read, not watch, of some of his other antics. He IS one of the people who thinks he's smart enough to dictate what form of health care you shall have, when you'll have it and who will pay for it. God help us all.
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