Sunday, March 3, 2013

What a way to start a Sunday!!!

Judge Jeanine Pirro
My Sunday started with this broadcast by Judge Jeanine Pirro, who took off on Chicago PD Superintendent Garry McCarthy.

Watch the embedded clip someone shot with a cellphone during a church service when McCarthy pandered to churchgoers. I can guess whose church it was. Why did the minister invite McCarthy there for non-religious purposes?

Are gun owners corrupt? Is the government "racist", as McCarthy charges?

I watched McCarthy and listened to him at the February 22 hearing of the Illinois House Judiciary Committee. He said nothing worthwhile and didn't even say that well.

Pirro had advice for McCarthy - how he could stop shootings in Chicago. She could have added, "Read David Kennedy's book, Don't Shoot...", which McCarthy endorsed. And put it into play.

We out here in the boonies do have one thing to thank McCarthy for. His inability to control criminals in Chicago keeps them there. If he toughens up, then they'll start this way.

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