An example of the silliness in Springfield is Amendment 6 to HB1156. Check it out...
"Provides that at any time when a person exempted from the prohibition on possessing weapons under this Act is not in immediate possession of a prohibited weapon owned or controlled by that person, he or she must keep a locking device or mechanism on the prohibited weapon that renders the prohibited weapon temporarily inoperable, including but not limited to a device that attaches to the prohibited weapon with a key or combination lock, and is designed to prevent the prohibited weapon from being discharged unless the device has been deactivated."
Is the legislature trying to make criminals out of current law-abiding citizens?
Look at at least two of the issues with this amendment.
1. You must know the definition of a "prohibited weapon". Put on your thinking cap and try to figure out what is meant by a "person exempted from the prohibition on possession weapons under this Act". If you are exempted, but you are in possession of a prohibited weapon, haven't you broken the law?
2. If you are not in "immediate possession" of the weapon, it must be locked.
What does "immediate possession" mean?
Let's say you have put your "weapon" in the nightstand drawer and are asleep. There is a knock at the door, and your friendly Gestapo wants to remind you to close your garage door. Then they "invite" themselves in and insist on searching for weapons. After all, you have a "reputation". Despite the lack of a warrant, they do enter, search and find your unlocked "weapon". You'll be late for work the next day...
Let's say you keep your weapon in the drawer of the nightstand, ready to use if an intruder enters your home in the middle of the night. A fire starts in the kitchen, the smoke alarm sounds, you grab the dog and run out. As the firefighters and cops root around, they come across your loaded, unlocked "weapon" in the drawer in the bedroom.
Bingo. Guess who goes to jail in his PJs that night?
Or maybe you are in the shower and you slip and fall. The paramedics come and, while looking for your meds, come across your "weapon". They might be kind enough to take you to the hospital before you go to jail.
This is the stupidity we must stop. Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-14 (Chicago/Cook County)) is responsible for this amendment. The amendment, which does not have the force of law, got 58 YEAS and 10 NAYS on March 5. Who from our county voted for it? Jack Franks.
Who was in the NV (Not Voting) arena? Mike Tryon, Barb Wheeler, Dave McSweeney. There were 47 NVs on that vote. 10 + 47 = 57. If the vote had been 58-57, think maybe some of the 58 might have had serious food for thought?
And, if Jack Franks had voted NAY, not YEA, it might have been 57-58. Would that have given Speaker Madigan a little heartburn?
Call them and ask them, next time, to vote AGAINST this kind of nonsense.
Drain Replies to Shorten
13 hours ago
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