The following comment from a reader was too good to leave only as a comment to a previous article.
This is the type of common sense that needs to make its way into every school district.
"In Maryland, where the assault pastry case occurred, a state lawmaker
introduced a new law: "The Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013"
elements of the legislation: "Senate Bill 1058 restricts the
disciplinary options Maryland public school officials can use for any
student who “brings to school or possesses” an image of a gun or an
object that might look like a gun but isn’t one.
"Students could also form their fingers in the shape of a gun without fear of reprisal.
bill also includes a section mandating counseling for school officials
who fail to distinguish between guns and things that resemble guns.
School officials who fail to make such a distinction more than once
would face discipline themselves. Another provision of the proposed law
would keep incidents involving non-threatening objects and images from
going on a student’s permanent record. Elementary school-age students
would be especially protected."
"Read about it at
Drain Replies to Shorten
14 hours ago
A proposed law. Great. Let me know when it gets passed-then I'll get excited.
You can help by showing up at your school board meeting, reading Maryland's bill to the board, and asking them to adopt it.
The school board for Woodstock District 200 meets Tuesday night, March 12 (2013), at 7:00PM at Clay Academy, 112 Grove St., Woodstock (address is missing from the published Agenda).
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