I invite you to vote for Green Party candidates for selected offices in Illinois. Read carefully about them. Watch any video clips that are available. Call their campaign offices.
See what reception you get. You’ll like it. It won’t be like calling offices of other candidates… Then make your choice before Nov. 2.
Here are some of the candidates I’ve met.
Rich Whitney, candidate for Illinois Governor. www.whitneyforgov.org/
Scott Summers, candidate for Illinois Treasurer. www.summersfortreasurer.org/
Bill Scheurer, candidate for U.S. Congress (8th District)
Frank Wedig, candidate for McHenry County Board, District 5. www.voteforwedig.blogspot.com
See what reception you get. You’ll like it. It won’t be like calling offices of other candidates… Then make your choice before Nov. 2.
Here are some of the candidates I’ve met.
Rich Whitney, candidate for Illinois Governor. www.whitneyforgov.org/
Scott Summers, candidate for Illinois Treasurer. www.summersfortreasurer.org/
Bill Scheurer, candidate for U.S. Congress (8th District)
Frank Wedig, candidate for McHenry County Board, District 5. www.voteforwedig.blogspot.com
Tom Tresser, candidate for President, Cook County Board. www.tom2010.us/
And this morning I was just looking at a picture of Gus Philpott, candidate for Sheriff of McHenry County. http://www.gus4sheriff.info/ (That’s with one –r-) : )
Of course, I can’t vote for Tom. As much as I liked his Servant Leadership focus, there is no way I’m moving into Cook County!
Check out these, and other, candidates on http://www.ilgp.org/, where you will find links to their websites.
And this morning I was just looking at a picture of Gus Philpott, candidate for Sheriff of McHenry County. http://www.gus4sheriff.info/ (That’s with one –r-) : )
Of course, I can’t vote for Tom. As much as I liked his Servant Leadership focus, there is no way I’m moving into Cook County!
Check out these, and other, candidates on http://www.ilgp.org/, where you will find links to their websites.
The Green Party seeks diversity. It welcomes members and candidates from all voters. If you are Latino, Hispanic, female, join in...
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