Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Looking up tax bills in McHenry County

What has your experience been when looking up property taxes on McHenry County real estate? Good? Fair? Poor?

You can try to find the right webpage through the County's homepage, or you can take a shortcut and use http://www.mchenrytreasurer.org/ Click on "View Your Tax Bill" in the center panel. (To enlarge the image, click on it; then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here.) Then start pulling your hair out.

If you are lucky enough to know the Parcel Number (PIN), you probably won't have a problem.

But let's say you are curious about the tax bill for a certain address, and you carefully enter the exact address of the property in the correct field. And the property is not found.

You know you've entered the complete address correctly, but you keep getting a result that the property is not found.

McHenry County Treasurer Bill LeFew and his employees recommend this: put in the street number and only the first few letters of the street name. Do not enter the directional (N, E, S, W) or the street suffix (Ave., Rd., St., Ln., Way, Terr, Cir., etc.). In other words, don't give the search engine "too much information".

Bill says you'll be able to view the Tax Notice in 99% of the cases. If you can't, all you have to do is call the Treasurer's office at 815.334.4260 on Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:15AM-5:15PM.

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