Friday, August 13, 2010

Job hunting - never give up

A friend called me from Virginia today. She's having a hard time finding a job. Might have to look nationwide. High salaries in California, but high living expenses. Doesn't want to sell her house and down-size, or move out of state.

She had a nibble job-wise about a month ago and then didn't hear again from the prospective employer. She was ready to write it off and assumed they had hired someone else.

I suggested she re-contact them and express more interest. I urged her not to assume someone else had been hired.

What happened after our conversation? She turned on her computer and checked her email. There was an email from that employer asking if she were still available!!! On Monday she'll sign the employment agreement and start!

Pretty powerful; eh? And by the end of the day she had a second employment contact!

Remember.... "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude" (in life). Thanks to Zig Ziglar, whom I met in Washington, D.C. in 1995.


FatParalegal said...

I am wondering what your advice would be for someone with a conviction on their record. It seems to me that all the applications I've seen ask if the applicant has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. Since you are an Advocate for many who are overlooked in this society, I was wondering what you would have to say about that.

Gus said...

It's important to answer questions truthfully on an application. The applicant may need to request an opportunity to discuss his case, conviction, sentence and rehabilitation, and the applicant may or may not get that opportunity. Lying on an application should not be considered.

FatParalegal said...

Well, so far, that hasn't been working... But thank you anyway.

Gus said...

Let's discuss something here about not just looking for jobs, but finding openings and getting the jobs.

What kind of help would you like?

FatParalegal said...

I am not sure. I fill out and turn in applications but they go nowhere. I send out resumes but they get polite rejection letters, even with the position is still open.

I can type 65 wpm, I have a college education with honors and I am moderately fluent in Spanish. I was a housewife and mom for several years before my accident (the one that resulted in my conviction). So I know that hurts.

I'm gone back to school, but I'll need something to get my foot in the door to help me get a job in my new field when I graduate.

I'm open to suggestions.

FatParalegal said...

Sorry, but I should qualify that my problems do not stem from any substance abuse connection.

Gus said...

Try this. As you identify prospective employers, network to find someone who can make an introduction. Often, somebody knows somebody who knows somebody.

Explain your history to the person who works for the prospective employer, and ask if that person would be willing to suggest that you be considered. Clarify that you are not asking that person to "endorse" you, unless they feel that they can.

Before you apply, ask someone else to contact the HR Dept. of the prospective employer to ask what its policy is on hiring a person with a conviction for (whatever). You might offer the same "service" to someone you know who is looking for a job.

Tell a prospective employer that you are aware that they "might" have some reservations or caution, and tell them how you will be able to show them that you are worthy of consideration and hiring.

FatParalegal said...

I'm not really sure how to network. I lost most of my "friends" after my arrest was blazed on the front page of the NWH, DH, WGN-TV, etc. But I do a lot of volunteering, so I will try to keep my options open.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Gus said...

Do some homework on Information Interviewing. Some of the best networking might be done with people you don't know (therefore, not friends). Often, they will help just because they are asked.

Feel free to call me.