Sunday, June 30, 2013

Peace on the Square

An article in the Northwest Herald this morning informs readers that the Woodstock Police are (or will be) at work on the Woodstock Square. Of course, I got a good chuckle at the wording ...

"Each year, the summer season brings with it a bump in police activity on the Square, from public intoxication to disorderly conduct." I mean, after all ... wouldn't we expect better behavior from our police officers?

Just kidding, of course.

You read the entire press release from the PD for yourself on the PD's webpage within the City's website at  Hover over City Departments, then hover over Police, then click on Press Releases/Crime Alerts. After that, you'll have to click on "See all items...", in order not to miss it. (This is why no one will ever see it - - too many clicks to find it.)

No problem with getting rid of drunks and rowdy loiterers, but one Ordinance you'll have to watch for is the one that prohibits "groups blocking sidewalks". This one will be enforced against the juveniles who are hanging out in the Park on the Square.

But do you think it will be enforced against the customers of the Farmers Market on Tuesdays and Saturdays? Not likely.

I do wonder why the City permits vendors to set up shop inside the Park on the Square. Can any business set up there? You probably have to be a member of the Farmers Market group. Maybe all businesses should have to set up on the street around the Park and not inside the Park?

And don't forget. No Frisbee throwing or playing catch in the Park on the Square. No bicycle riding in the Park on the Square or on the sidewalks in or near the Square.

Got a question about these "rules" (laws)? Call the Police Department? Don't like some of the rules? Show up at the City Council meeting and speak your piece. Ask for action and how you'll know if anything is happening. Call your City Council representatives directly.

Have you encountered any unruliness on the Square? Do you have any concerns about visiting the Park in the Square at any hour of the day or night? Post a comment here with your concerns and be sure to notify the Police Department ( and the City Manager ( If it's urgent, call the PD at 815.338.2131

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