Sometimes the best part of a trip is coming home - and picking up the mail. You never know what surprises await you. After almost every recent trip I have received mail, either at my home or at my post office box (P.O. Box 1222, 60098) like the letter mailed to me on February 19.
I didn't receive this letter until picking up mail this morning. To the person who sent it, thanks! I regret the delay in acknowledging your letter and the information and, most importantly, acknowledging you!
What was this letter about?
I have written previously about the way some reports by deputies of the McHenry County Sheriff's Department are "managed." What did this letter say? Get this!
"After breaking into this ... home, causing personal injury to the ... residents, they (two deputies and a supervisor, named) all met afterwards to make sure that all stories are going to 'match'."
This is not the first time I have been told of such "managed" report-writing. The first batch of reports I read, after filing a FOIA request in the David Maxson shooting, revealed apparent collusion in the report-writing process. I guessed this is what had happened. But it was only a guess on my part. I read reports by 4-5 different deputies, and my immediate belief was that one person had written all of them. Now I can understand it, if "one person" had told the others what to write. No wonder all the reports sounded alike.
Subsequent to that guess on my part, such report-writing management has been confirmed to me by others in positions to know.
When unnecessary injuries occur to civilians - residents of McHenry County - some who were adults; some, juveniles - we cannot tolerate "managed" reports that allow the perpetrators to escape penalties for committing crimes that cause such injuries.
There are honest deputies with the McHenry County Sheriff's Department, and they are upset about what is happening. Yet, if they complain, they expose themselves to retribution, retaliation or termination. There is no avenue for reporting misdeeds (or crimes) by other deputies and being protected against retaliation.
These are reasons for an Internal Affairs Division at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department. How long will it be, before one is created?
Surely, Sheriff Nygren and other command officers cannot be ignorant of these practices. If a supervisor or command officer became aware of illegal report-writing management, wouldn't he report it to the Sheriff and then organize discipline, retraining, demotion and/or termination of those involved?
The result, instead, seems to promotion and select assignments! Why???
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For all those people out there that think it's me that gives Gus all his information, I say "good job" to who ever sent Gus this letter. With regards to the David Maxson trajedy, which I rarely speak about, I was there and I know how those reports were written.
I have multiple sources of information. There are more than a few deputies who would business cleaned up at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department.
McHenry County is not Chicago or New York or Los Angeles. We are small enough here that the People CAN see that operations such as these are corrected.
If you know how those reports are written... YOU broke the law by allowing this to happen. But, in reality what law would you have broken by confirming facts in a report are facts? I dont know honestly, is there a law? Please educate me. Plus, you say you dont talk about this trajedy, but here you are first to comment. Zane get off your high horse and get a job.
Gus, the letters you get are from anonymous sources. Why do you automatically think they are fact? You have no opposing opinions. I wish someone would set you strait with the facts (either way).
Gus, you do some good work on here... But, when you side with that (obviously) insane ex-cop...I think you are losing your gusto. In addition, you have this conspiracy theory for everything, which I don't get. I lived in McHenry County for 12 years growing up. I have never had a problem with the police (city, county or state). I am just trying to understand why one bad cop who got fired can now be your voice. I wouldnt trust that source.
Keep up the blog Gus, just lose the conspiracy theory and the loser...
Hey, if your blog is to inform the public and discuss topics...why do you have moderation enabled? I think this is weak on your part.
To answer your question about why I moderate comments on this site, it is to eliminate the publication of cyberstalking comments.
Shortly after I filed complaints with the Woodstock Police Department and the McHenry County State's Attorney's office for those felonies, they dried up.
Go on. Tell me there wasn't a leak. The cyberstalkers knew right away that I had filed complaints.
I love this site!! People use clever variations of my name to voice their ideas on a website they clearly think is nothing but lies. -"Gus, the letters you get are from anonymous sources. Why do you automatically think they are fact?"- In this statement one of these clever individuals complains about anonymous sources. Brilliant. Why don't you express your anger and disdain for me like a man? Use your name not some butchered version of mine. Oh wait, you're a deputy and there are General Orders. Don't worry, the administration is not going to come after you. They will probably promote you or give you the K9 unit.
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