Check it out. Take your kids to the library and show them what a record looks like. A record? What's that? You know, that round, vinyl thing with the hole in the middle. The one that was played on a Victrola. Anyone remember that name? (Click on any image to enlarge it; then click on the Back button on your browser.)

Did you know that Todd School had its own fleet of airplanes for instruction and transportation? And that it operated its own airport on the school grounds? Anyone recognize the student at the controls?
Can't you just hear the pilots now? "Woodstock International Airport, this is Piper 2694F coming in for a landing." I think my first lesson was in a plane like that one - tandem seating, drop-down door. Noisy - and fun!

Pretty soon, there might not be anything left about Todd School except at the Library.
The City Council is much too likely to drip its ink on a demolition permit on April 21, just over a month from now.
Grace Hall is a building worth saving, but where is the effort here in town? There are a few people holding "nice" conversations, while Woodstock Christian Life Services just keeps on watching the sand run through the hourglass. WCLS could convert Grace Hall into beautiful contemporary residences, instead of reducing it to rubble and hauling the bricks off to the dump, but it is going to have to be persuaded to do so by the leaders in Woodstock.
Are there such leaders still here?
1 comment:
Maybe Marian Central should be demolished and the airport restored.
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