The final meet & greet of the For A Better Island Lake team of five candidates in the April 7th local elections was held this afternoon in - where else? - Island Lake. Pictured (from left to right) are Dwaine Schaal, Greg Kachka, John Ponio and Laurie Rabattini.
Why did I go? I met Greg Kachka of "Don't Point Your Gun (Finger) at Me" fame last year. Greg was accused of Disorderly Conduct by Village Trustee and now Mayoral candidate Debbie Hermann and by the Village Clerk Christine Kaczmarek. The case was dismissed in Lake County Circuit Court in Waukegan, instead of continuing through the embarrassing ordeal of the Complainants' attempting to prove a losing argument. For details, search on this site for "Kachka".
Candidates for election in the Village of Island Lake are John Ponio, current Trustee and candidate for Mayor, and Greg Kachka, Laurie Rabattini and Dwaine Schaal for Village Trustees, and Mary Jo Martin for Village Clerk. (Sorry I didn't get your picture after you arrived, Mary Jo.)
For more about the efforts to improve Island Lake, go to www.4abil.com/ Mary Jo was Village Clerk for ten years and served over a year into the term of the current mayor, who is not running for re-election. She is a court watcher for AIMM and goes to DUI trials in Woodstock on Mondays and Thursdays.
John Ponio holds the elected position of Village Trustee now. When he is elected Mayor on April 7, he will resign as Trustee and, after he takes office, appoint a successor to serve out the balance of two years of his term.
Laurie videotapes Village meetings and publishes them at http://www.cbgil.com/
I have attended several Island Lake village meetings and believe these are candidates worthy to be elected. If you know anyone in Island Lake, please encourage them to vote for this slate AND to contact their Island Lake neighbors to vote for this slate, too.
They are working hard to be elected, and they will serve their community well. Good luck, candidates!
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Thank You Gus!
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