Lately I've been wondering why three U.S. Senators, being paid $165,200/year, plus magnificient perks, are A.W.O.L. from their elected offices. These three, of course, are Senators McCain, Clinton and Obama.
One can only guess that their pay and perks go on, while they are traipsing around the country trying to get to the top of the food chain. In what way are they continuing to represent - fairly - their constituents back home in Arizona, New York and Illinois, respectively.
Should they be required to resign their Senate seats?
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
48 minutes ago
why dont you go AWOL Frank?
Media reported that Senators McCain, Clinton and Obama were all in Washington today to vote. For the first time in months, all three were there. Wouldn't it be nice to have such a job? Where you can suck up your salary, huge perks worth more than your salary, and just run around the country trying to get elected for a different office?
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