Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MCC Stadium? You're Out!

You'll have to read the Daily Herald this morning to learn that MCC is trashing its plan to build a stadium and health & wellness complex.

Wish I had been there last night.

According to the Daily Herald, MCC President Walt "Packard made his comments after a $10,000 assessment of a feasibility study noted the study had overstated the complex's money-making abilities and that entities typically get into these type of ventures with the expectation that they will not be profitable."

All I can say is, "Well, duh...." Thank goodness they spent $10,000 on an assessment of the (how expensive?) feasibility study!

In the Daily Herald Trustee Donna Kurtz is quoted as saying it's now water under the bridge. Well, better make darned sure that there isn't a dam downstream that is going to cause this water to back up!

MCC is a college, and colleges are for education. It's not an entertainment complex!

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