Monday, March 17, 2008

Sprint Online Grade? F

Over the past few days Sprint has upgraded its online Customer Account Management system. “Upgraded” is a word that should strike fear in the heart of any customer. And Sprint succeeded!

The system was back online this morning. And broken! After going to and entering my existing UserID and passcode, a security update page was presented. Okay, fine. I entered all the required information for their improved security and submitted it.

And what happened? I was taking right back to the first page for updated security information. After entering it again, I submitted it. Result? Same return to the first page. A vicious loop, from which no escape was possible. Then I left the site and returned, trying to access with my newly-entered security information – and can’t get into my account.

I’ve worked in customer service (the management end of customer service) and on a website usability team at the Sears headquarters. I understand what happens when some executive in the nose-bleed section gives an order to upgrade a website. There is too much to be done, too little time, too few people to do it, too short a deadline, not enough money to get the job done, and an upgrade done over a week-end and expected to be right when it goes “live.”

There should be sufficient time to test the new website and get the bugs out. And it shouldn’t go “live” unless it works right – the first time.

Hello, Sprint? Is anyone at work?

1 comment:

yagottabekidding said...

I think you should take your considerable expertise in all fields and serve the public in a larger capacity. Go back to work. Save the world Leave Woodstock in your wake.