A recent change was made for posting comments to articles because of inappropriate comments being continually posted by certain people here in Woodstock, mostly anonymously, but a few who posted under an alias.
Due to the crude, profane, malicious, libelous, and just plain nasty postings a change was made to require registration before you can post. For most of you, this will not present a problem. Registration is free and quick.
For the cowards out there who chose to post anonymously and take cheap shots. you're out. Good riddance to you. Many readers will be happy not to have to view your crude postings. For me? I laughed at them and recognize you for who you are.
To all others? Your comments are welcome, whether or not you agree with what I have written. I shall respond to appropriately-worded comments. If you are respectful, I shall be.
If you view any inappropriate or profane postings here, please let me know where they are. I'll continue to delete them.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
48 minutes ago
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://impressora-multifuncional.blogspot.com. A hug.
thank you gus, that registration just wasted 30 seconds of my time. for a little guy who drives around in his pussy mobile, you have got quite a mouth. you are the one that takes cheap shots at anything or anyone in Woodstock. wasnt it you who bad mouthed the fire department for using the fire trucks while on duty to go the rec center to go work out? im sure all the people that hate you will do the same as I did and register. many people will agree with me that they like to see these "crude" (which are hilarious because the real truth comes out about you) comments. how many people actually agree with what you actually have to say? anything you write is always half assed and you can never prove anything you write about. you still have not gotten the vehicle code that grants police officers to enforce traffic laws. why? because there is not one that exists. if you think deleting truthful comments will make you look like a good guy, guess again. that just shows what you agree with and not what the public has to say about you. so go ahead and delete this comment, i dare you. i will just put it back up here again and again as long as you continue to delete it. if that cop who influenced you saw your current behavior, he would jump out of his grave.
I have been reading Gus's blog for several months now with amusement, and have decided to join yall in posting my comments.
I agree with Gus to censor his blog for profanities and obnoxious comments. Come on people- you can have fun with this by "torching" Gus in clean/creative ways... we certainly know he leaves himself wide-open to get blasted on a daily basis. Keep it clean guys... thanx.
Gus is a watchdog. Every town needs one -- even tho the watched don't appreciate it.
More like one of those annoying yappers if you ask me. The kind you have to call the police to complain about. No luck getting the police to track down your detractors Gus? Surprise. Think "registration" will help? Surprise.
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