Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Iraq War - Complacency?

Did you see the article buried on Page 9A of Monday's Northwest Herald about the monthly cost of the Iraq war? $12 Billion a month.

That's $12,000,000,000 A MONTH!

And the forecast by our own government? The Congressional Budget Office forecasts a cumulative cost by 2017 of $1.2-1.7 TRILLION.

All because of a few lies and careless analysis and failure to consider seriously the opinions of those who said there were no WMDs.

How much is $1.7 Trillion? $1,700,000,000,000

We cannot become complacent about this war. We started it, and we'd better do something about finishing it - one war or another. Maybe a good start would be to kick out of office anyone who voted for it. That would be about everybody in Congress. Get some people in with clear heads and a clean slate.

Our kids and grandkids will never dig this country out of the financial hole that is getting deeper and deeper. Tax cuts and bigger deficits won't do it. It's far past time to stop this madness and insist on responsible government.


Anonymous said...

kick out any who voted for the war, that easy, kick out hillary and hopefully the dumb bitch never gets elected.

Anonymous said...

so start off with a clean slate and go after all of the code violations around towns since thats top on your list.

Anonymous said...

since when did you become a politician and now a financial advisor?

Anonymous said...

Thats a lot of money ... how big is the Country's budget deficit and how much of the deficit is due to unnecessary and wasteful spending in Iraq? Social security is on the skids, our federal highways and transportation infrastucture are falling apart, and we're becoming more and more dependent on foreign oil. Even though I don't care for Democrats, that Irish guy running for president (O'Bama) would get us out of Iraq, make health care available (but not mandatory) for all, spport alternatives to gas powered vehicles, and appoint Jack Franks as Secretary of Interior Design (YES!). And I bet we'd never find O'Bama doing it with a big fat nasty in the Oval Office or spending $83,000 on the Village ho! In the words of the inmate Snoozer: Gus, you still da' man! Robby M.

Anonymous said...

hey ya'll... daryl and his brother daryl... D-A-R-Y-L. Awwww my bad, I thought I was on my speak and spell.

Anonymous said...
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