Wednesday, June 8, 2011

County Board says NO to pay raises

The Northwest Herald reports yesterday's decision by the McHenry County Board not to grant pay raises to non-union employees of McHenry County. The vote was 12-8, with one abstaining and three absent.

Now let's see if they stand firm against the unions, when their reps show up and threaten to strike if they don't get all the marbles they want.

A $3,000,000 budget surplus is nothing in a County this size. County department heads should cut expenses everywhere, in order to avoid the next tax increase.

When an employee (union or not) is driving a County vehicle, shut it off at McDonald's. Don't sit in the drive-through lane; park and walk in (on your lunch hour, of course). Don't run the air-conditioning unnecessarily; roll down the windows. Don't sit in the car and write your reports for an hour with the engine running and the AC on.

Department heads should ask each employee what can be done with cut expenses. The employees know - better than any so-called "expert".  There is no need to spend thousands on time-motion consultants.

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