Will there be more charges in the Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault (Child under 13) case against McHenry County Sheriff's Deputy Greg Pyle?
Why are the only charges filed (so far) for the period 2006-2010? What caused the "domestic" matter on January 6? The first press release, which was the source of the first article in the Northwest Herald, said that there was a "domestic" matter. Yeah, sure. I guess there would be if there was an eye-witness who happened to walk in on (well, you know...).
Right now, other family members need a lot of support. And Pyle? What does he need? A darned sharp attorney and a big balance in his checkbook.
Should there be charges for a current time period, if a crime were alleged on January 6? Will it take a Grand Jury or only a complaining witness?
In response to a FOIA request for that Friday night "first" press release, which may have gone directly to (or was obtained by) the Northwest Herald, all I received was this photo of Pyle. No copy of a press release accompanied the photo. No explanation of a reason for not providing it. This is a first from the FOIA Officer at MCSD. Did somebody order her not to respond? Perhaps there was just a "slip-up" in the FOIA response. I'll follow up tomorrow, when government offices re-open.
At rollcall a week ago Undersheriff Zinke reportedly said Pyle's case was a "family matter" and "doesn't affect the (sheriff's) department operationally." Was this just an isolated incident? "Only" involving one of Pyle's kids?
Let's see... does that compute, folks? Pyle was trained at MCSD expense and was in charge of the Evidence Room. Of course, his arrest affects MCSD operationally! He is off-duty now (on paid administrative leave) and somebody else has to be put in charge of the Evidence Room. So we are paying double for one cop. No operational effect? If the department isn't looking hard to ascertain whether any evidence in the Room has been compromised, then the Keystone Cops are running our sheriff's department
The next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Sheriff's Department Merit Commission is February 8. Doesn't Sheriff Nygren think it's important to call a Special Meeting immediately to suspend Pyle without pay? Why is Nygren MIA on this?
There are five community members on the Merit Commission. They are Janelle Crowley (HR Director, City of Woodstock); Patrick J. McAndrews, an attorney in McHenry; Gloria Urch, businesswoman; Brian Goode, president (?) of RITA Corporation, Crystal Lake; and William Mack. (No biographical sketches appear for Goode and Mack, who have been on the Merit Commission for TEN years!) If you know any of these five, call them and demand that the Merit Commission meet and take action. It probably takes only two of the members to call a Special Meeting.
Is there some reason that Zinke hasn't called a Special Meeting? Isn't he in charge when Nygren is away? Or is he really NOT in charge when Nygren is away?
What was Lt. Popovits doing at Pyle's residence, when the State Police was there with a search warrant last week? Should any MCSD officer have been there, when the State Police was looking for evidence to be used in Pyle's case? Maybe, cases... Are Pyle and Popovits friends, outside the Department? Is Popovits under a gag order from the Sheriff or Undersheriff not to have any contact with Pyle and to engage in no communication with him?
As to Zinke's comment about a "family matter"... how do I remain polite and respectful toward readers and not call that one the way it is.
And did a Lieutenant tell any deputy "You stick with your friends." What??? A law-enforcement officer is to set aaide his sworn duty "to serve and protect" and let a friendship supersede his sworn duty? These criminal charges are against someone accused of being a sexual predator, and against his own kid!!!
Sure, Pyle is presumed to be innocent. Let's see who shows up in court as the complaining witness. Pyle has a court date on Friday, January 27, 9:00AM, in Room 304 before Judge Sharon Prather. The Case Number is 12CF000020, if you want to follow upcoming court dates in the Circuit Court online records at www.mchenrycircuitclerk.org
The legal games have already started with a Motion for Re-Assignment. Pyle's lawyer is Pat Walsh, of Donahue & Walsh, McHenry. Does somebody want Judge Prather dumped? And replaced by whom? Will there be a request to move this case out of McHenry County?
Contestants for Spelling Bee
12 hours ago
1 comment:
Same old "boilerplate about the merit commission. Check your references.
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