Let's see ... a "domestic matter" ... Oh, there was just a little shouting. No shoving, no hitting, no throwing, no weapons, nothing broken...
Oh, yeah?
Internal matters (using too many paperclips, smoking in a patrol car, taking too long a meal break) are handled "administratively". Sometimes, even battery and drunk driving are handled "administratively", in order to keep the "dirt" out of the public's eyes. And the "internal" investigation is handled "internally" - by MCSD deputies.
But when the Illinois State Police get called it, it's probably because a crime was committed. Like, somebody was hurt; somebody was threatened; somebody did display a weapon. Crimes. You know, violations of the criminal code?
It's a wonder that the news was even leaked to anyone. Of course, it would have gone to the Northwest Herald. Nobody is going to call Cal Skinner of Pete Gonigam or me. Or Patch.com.
But why did they even bother to give it to the Northwest Herald, unless they are looking for a little damage control? The article didn't even say whether the deputy was the victim or the aggressor. If he (or she) ended up on administrative leave, probably not the victim.
Hey, wait a minute. Friday night. That was the night of the big bash at the Red Mill Tavern in Woodstock. Was it after that?
Two people can be found dead in a house in McHenry County and you'd never know it by any word from our Sheriff's Department.That's because there hasn't been any word from the Sheriff's Department.
See the Northwest Herald article online right here.
Contestants for Spelling Bee
12 hours ago
could the mcsd be any more shady?
could the mcsd be any more shady?
Check out the 7:12PM "update" on the Northwest Herald website.
How nice that the Undersheriff passes the buck to the State Police!
And where is Sheriff Nygren? Is he on another month-long vacation? How much vacation time does that guy take?
Isn't it normal, when someone is "involved" in a domestic incident, that he gets arrested?
Since everyone in the County and the State Police are involved, why doesn't MCSD just call this guy on his cell phone and tell him to come in?
If they wanted me, wouldn't they just call me up and say, "Hey, GP. You're wanted. Get yourself in here; pronto."
Well, no, in my case I guess they wouldn't. They'd roll out MARV, call the SWAT Team, get the dogs, and come and surround my Beetle until I came out in my briefs. Or would they batter down my door and make my landlord mad?
It's quite interesting to read your posts about this case and consider in hindsight how off base some of your presumptions are. For example, obviously the alleged incidents had nothing to do with some big bash; even the herald got it wrong. The incident didn't occur Friday night; the documents show the alleged incidents occurred between 2006-2010. As for your questioning of whether someone was arrested, well he eventually was, right? But after probable cause was established and a warrant was signed by a judge which can take some time; people aren't arrested just because the complaint comes in, something to keep in mind for an future sheriff aspirations. As for the, buck being passed to ISP, you've already complained about keeping dirt out of the public eye, but let's be honest if they hadn't passed the buck you'd be on them for the ethics of investigating their own. Why aren't you saying the same about the ISP who have kept mum this week? You question why news releases don't come to you and I can't help but wonder if it's because you take a bit of information and spin a web of speculation hoping to catch fact rather than spinning your web around the facts themselves.
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