Each month at the Dorr Township monthly meetings reports are heard from elected officials. The Supervisor reports; the Assessor reports. The Highway Commissioner reports. The Trustees are present and occasionally comment, in addition to voting on matters presented to them.
And the Township Clerk is present. The Clerk is an elected position and has duties proscribed in State law. Several requests have been made to the Supervisor and Trustees in open meetings for the Clerk to report monthly on the duties of his office.
And every month, when the Agenda is published, the Clerk's title is absent from the agenda under the item "Reports".
What are the duties of the Clerk?
You can read the duties, few as they are, in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (www.ilga.gov), Chapter 60, Section 1, Article 75. The duties include, but are not limited to, being custodian of Township records, books and papers; filing necessary certificates; administering certain oaths; recording the minutes of every meeting; shall enter "every order of direction and all by-laws, rules, and regulations made by the electors at any township meeting"; shall be a member of the McHenry County Board of Health; serve as ex-officio clerk for the Highway Commissioner; has certain duties on the state Election Code.
So, should the Clerk report every month on what he has done? Did he file the necessary certificates? Did he attend Board of Health meetings? What did he do for the Highway Commissioner? As his duties under the Election Code? Who prepared the Minutes of the last meeting? What preparations are underway for the Annual Meeting?
Does the Clerk want to report? Is there any reason that he does not want to report?
If the Supervisor continues to refuse to list the Clerk under Reports on the agenda, what steps can the electors take that will result in monthly reports by the Clerk at Town meetings?
Oberweis Tries for Congress Again
5 hours ago
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