Brrrrr..... my outside thermometer reads -10° F., and AOL says it's -16° F. I haven't been out yet; is there any wind?
Will I hear that dreaded sound? Grrrrr-rrrr-rrr-rr-r, when I turn the key in the ignition of my "basic undercover car" today? Nahhh, it'll fire right up.
What's the temperature in Anchorage? 30° F.! That's above zero.
And for those Prairie Home Companion fans who might wonder about the temperature in Metlakatla, Alaska (the town with the name "cat" in it) ... 45° F. right now. And if you remember the song that Garrison Keillor sang about Metlakatla and want to hear it again, give me a call.
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
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